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Em desafios éticos da Internet das Coisas (IoT) em torno da personalização na educação, a
identificação de quatro categorias chave (Segurança, Privacidade, Automatização e
Interação) foi o primeiro passo para uma análise que procurou, dentro dos meandros
tecnológico, pedagógico e ético-filosófico, refletir, em conjunto com vinte e um
entrevistados, vantagens, riscos e desafios na criação de soluções inerentes ao tema. A
vulnerabilidade das infraestruturas ligada a uma impossibilidade de se desligar da internet
e associada ao desafio da interoperabilidade nas autoestradas da IoT traz, para a educação,
inconvenientes associados ao acesso, uso, monitorização e propriedade dos dados, bem
como a padronização que cai no âmbito da “perfilagem” e, portanto, da estigmatização do
estudante criando, não só problemas de privacidade associadas à exclusão, como ainda a
redundância do ser humano na educação através da homogeneização desta, um
determinismo no processo educativo, uma perda do sentido de liberdade, do controlo e da
escolha e, consequentemente, um capitalismo de vigilância associado ao corporativismo e
à perda da noção de Bem Comum. É, por isso, necessário pensar numa simbiose entre o ser
humano e a máquina sem a ameaça de controlo desta. A Internet de Todas as Coisas (IoE),
com todas as vantagens que tem desde o reposicionamento do ser humano no ecossistema,
à abertura e acesso na educação, à ampliação da interação e da comunicação potenciada
por processos automatizados na prossecução da personalização, permitirá distinguir o custo
do valor dos dados, o valor de dados coletivos do valor de dados pessoais, potenciar uma
coresponsabilização ao nível da educação entre as instituições educativas e seus diferentes
intervenientes, aliviando, ao mesmo tempo, o ser humano de tarefas incómodas. Uma
inteligência alargada e coletiva criada de forma partilhada, tem por base um novo contrato
social, cuja dimensão ética assenta, necessariamente, no valor do Bem Comum associado à
justiça, equidade, igualdade e inclusão vendo no valor da diferença de cada um o primado
de uma ciência da complexidade que necessariamente tem de ser equacionada no desenho
da tecnologia para que esta seja ética e assim possibilite a personalização da aprendizagem
ao invés da perfilagem no ensino. Poderá ser a Pandemia COVID-19, uma oportunidade na
construção de novos caminhos no sistema educativo?
The identification of four key categories (Security, Privacy, Automation and Interaction) was the first step in the ethical challenges of the Internet of Things (IoT) around personalization in education, which sought, in the within of technological, pedagogical and ethical-philosophical, to reflect, with the twenty one interviewees, advantages, risks and challenges in the creation of solutions inherent to the proposed theme. The vulnerability of infrastructures linked to an inability to disconnect from the Internet and associated with the challenge of interoperability on IoT highways brings, for education, inconveniences associated with access, use, monitoring and ownership of data, as well as the standardization that falls within the scope of "profiling" and therefore of the stigmatization of the student, creating not only privacy problems associated with exclusion, but also the redundancy of the human being in education through homogenization of the latter, a determinism in the educational process, a loss of the sense of freedom, control and choice and, consequently, vigilant capitalism associated with corporatism and the loss of the notion of common good in general and in particular in education. It’s necessary a symbiosis between the human being and the machine without being under the threat of its control. The Internet of Everything (IoE), with all the advantages that it has from the repositioning of the human being in the ecosystem, to the opening and access in education, to the amplification of the interaction and the communication enhanced by automated processes in the continuation of the personalization, will allow to distinguish the cost from the data value, the value of collective data from the value of personal data, fostering a level of responsibility in education between educational institutions and all their stakeholders, at the same time relieving the human being from uncomfortable tasks. An extended and collective intelligence created on a shared basis is based on a new social contract, whose ethical dimension necessarily rests on the value of the common good associated with justice, equity, equality and inclusion seeing in the value of difference of each one the primacy of a science of complexity that necessarily has to be equated in the design of the technology so that it is ethical and thus allows the personalization of learning instead of profiling the teaching. Could be Pandemia COVID-19 an opportunity to build new paths in the education system?
The identification of four key categories (Security, Privacy, Automation and Interaction) was the first step in the ethical challenges of the Internet of Things (IoT) around personalization in education, which sought, in the within of technological, pedagogical and ethical-philosophical, to reflect, with the twenty one interviewees, advantages, risks and challenges in the creation of solutions inherent to the proposed theme. The vulnerability of infrastructures linked to an inability to disconnect from the Internet and associated with the challenge of interoperability on IoT highways brings, for education, inconveniences associated with access, use, monitoring and ownership of data, as well as the standardization that falls within the scope of "profiling" and therefore of the stigmatization of the student, creating not only privacy problems associated with exclusion, but also the redundancy of the human being in education through homogenization of the latter, a determinism in the educational process, a loss of the sense of freedom, control and choice and, consequently, vigilant capitalism associated with corporatism and the loss of the notion of common good in general and in particular in education. It’s necessary a symbiosis between the human being and the machine without being under the threat of its control. The Internet of Everything (IoE), with all the advantages that it has from the repositioning of the human being in the ecosystem, to the opening and access in education, to the amplification of the interaction and the communication enhanced by automated processes in the continuation of the personalization, will allow to distinguish the cost from the data value, the value of collective data from the value of personal data, fostering a level of responsibility in education between educational institutions and all their stakeholders, at the same time relieving the human being from uncomfortable tasks. An extended and collective intelligence created on a shared basis is based on a new social contract, whose ethical dimension necessarily rests on the value of the common good associated with justice, equity, equality and inclusion seeing in the value of difference of each one the primacy of a science of complexity that necessarily has to be equated in the design of the technology so that it is ethical and thus allows the personalization of learning instead of profiling the teaching. Could be Pandemia COVID-19 an opportunity to build new paths in the education system?
Ética Educação Internet das Coisas Personalização Segurança Privacidade Automatização Interação Ensino-aprendizagem Ethics Education Personalization Security Privacy Automation and interaction
Tomás, Cecília - Desafios éticos da Internet das Coisas [Em linha]: em torno da personalização na educação. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2020. 2 vols.