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A qualidade da relação professor-aluno tem, inequivocamente, um impacto no processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Da interação entre ambos os elementos depende o sucesso da aprendizagem. Nesse sentido, a relação pedagógica entre professor e aluno emerge como uma dimensão central de todo o processo pedagógico.
No que respeita à conceção de supervisão, a evolução do conceito permite-nos entendê-la como uma partilha de experiências e como forma de colaboração entre pares, que traduzindo-se num ato de reflexão, permite transformar e melhorar as práticas educativas.
Pela análise do enquadramento das duas dimensões expostas, neste estudo objetiva-se analisar os efeitos que a supervisão entre pares poderá evidenciar na relação entre professor e aluno, verificando a possível melhoria do processo de ensino e aprendizagem.
Do ponto de vista metodológico, o presente estudo insere-se num modelo de investigação de natureza qualitativa, assente no propósito de conhecer as perceções dos atores envolvidos no que respeita às diferentes situações da realidade vivenciada, considerando que a compreensão do contexto valoriza o ponto de vista de quem nele vive. Consequentemente, optou-se pelo design de estudo fenomenológico, mediante o qual se pretende descrever o fenómeno em estudo, através da análise das realidades experienciadas e vividas pelos participantes da investigação, atendendo à forma como as descrevem e interpretam.
Para tal, privilegiou-se a análise documental de projetos educativos e de projetos desenvolvidos no âmbito da observação/supervisão entre pares, bem como de entrevistas semiestruturadas individuais, dirigidas aos coordenadores e participantes de projetos de supervisão/observação entre pares, de dois Agrupamentos de Escolas, selecionados por desenvolverem projetos neste campo de ação e aceitarem participar no estudo em curso.
A subsequente análise de conteúdo dos dados recolhidos permitiu concluir que, até ao momento, a prática de supervisão entre pares não é reconhecida pelos participantes do estudo como uma possibilidade de melhoria da relação entre professor e aluno, embora seja potencializadora da mudança das ações pedagógicas.
The quality of the student-teacher relationship clearly impacts the teaching and learning process. The success of learning depends on the interaction between both elements. In that sense, the pedagogical relationship between teacher and student emerges as a central aspect of the pedagogical process. Regarding the idea of supervision, the evolution of the concept allows us to understand it as a sharing of experiences and a way of collaboration between peers, and by considering it as an act of reflection, it enables us to transform and enhance the educational actions. By exploring the framework of the two dimensions mentioned, this study aims to analyse the effects that peer supervision can have on the relationship between teacher and student, realising the possible improvement of the teaching and learning process. From a methodological point of view, the present study is part of a qualitative research model, based on the purpose of knowing the perceptions of the actors involved, concerning the different situations of the experienced reality, bearing in mind that understanding the context values the point of view of those who live in it. Therefore, a phenomenological study design was chosen, in which we intend to describe the phenomenon under study by analysing the realities experienced and lived by the research participants, taking into account how they describe and interpret them. To this end, we focused on document analysis of educational projects and projects developed within the scope of peer observation/supervision, as well as semi-structured individual interviews with the coordinators and participants in peer supervision/observation projects from two school groups, as they are developing projects in this field of action and agreed to take part in the current study. The subsequent content analysis of the data collected led to the conclusion that, until this moment, the peer supervision practice is not acknowledged by the participants in the study as a possibility to improve the relationship between teacher and student, although it has the potential to change pedagogical actions.
The quality of the student-teacher relationship clearly impacts the teaching and learning process. The success of learning depends on the interaction between both elements. In that sense, the pedagogical relationship between teacher and student emerges as a central aspect of the pedagogical process. Regarding the idea of supervision, the evolution of the concept allows us to understand it as a sharing of experiences and a way of collaboration between peers, and by considering it as an act of reflection, it enables us to transform and enhance the educational actions. By exploring the framework of the two dimensions mentioned, this study aims to analyse the effects that peer supervision can have on the relationship between teacher and student, realising the possible improvement of the teaching and learning process. From a methodological point of view, the present study is part of a qualitative research model, based on the purpose of knowing the perceptions of the actors involved, concerning the different situations of the experienced reality, bearing in mind that understanding the context values the point of view of those who live in it. Therefore, a phenomenological study design was chosen, in which we intend to describe the phenomenon under study by analysing the realities experienced and lived by the research participants, taking into account how they describe and interpret them. To this end, we focused on document analysis of educational projects and projects developed within the scope of peer observation/supervision, as well as semi-structured individual interviews with the coordinators and participants in peer supervision/observation projects from two school groups, as they are developing projects in this field of action and agreed to take part in the current study. The subsequent content analysis of the data collected led to the conclusion that, until this moment, the peer supervision practice is not acknowledged by the participants in the study as a possibility to improve the relationship between teacher and student, although it has the potential to change pedagogical actions.
Supervisão pedagógica Supervisão entre pares Observação entre pares Relação professor-aluno Processo de Ensino e Aprendizagem (PEA) Pedagogical supervision Peer supervision Peer observation Teacher-student relationship Teaching and learning process