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Investir na formação de professores para adoção de práticas pedagógicas inovadoras em sala de aula tem sido a resposta para vencer os desafios e alavancar mudanças no Ensino Profissionalizante. O presente artigo apresenta os resultados da investigação do curso online Novas Metodologias e Práticas Pedagógicas realizado para professores formadores do Ensino Profissionalizante e sintetiza o estudo realizado no âmbito do mestrado em Pedagogia do eLearning (mPeL)1. A metodologia utilizada foi o estudo de caso, com uma abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa, tendo como técnicas de pesquisa a análise de conteúdo das interações nos fóruns de discussão e entrevista semiestruturada. Para o estudo da identificação e mensuração da colaboração nas discussões assíncronas foi utilizado o modelo de colaboração adaptado de Murphy (2004), que inclui as categorias: Presença social, Articulação da perspectiva individual, Acomodar ou refletir a perspectiva dos outros, Co-construção de perspectivas e finalidades, Encontrar objetivos e finalidades em comum e Produção de materiais partilhados. Os resultados evidenciam um nível elevado de interação e colaboração nas etapas iniciais e demonstram que as ferramentas de comunicação assíncronas serviram para que os moderadores assumissem um papel de facilitadores, levando os alunos a refletirem, questionarem e analisarem suas práticas, assumindo um papel ativo no percurso da aprendizagem, evidenciando a presença de aprendizagem colaborativa, embora não até aos níveis mais elevados.
Investing in the training of teachers to adopt innovative pedagogical practices in the classroom has been the answer to overcome challenges and leverage changes in Vocational Education. This article presents the results of the investigation of the onlineNew Pedagogical Methodologies and Practices course conducted for vocational Education teachers-trainers and synthesizes the research study done in the master degree in eLearning Pedagogy (mPeL). The methodology used was the case study, with a qualitative and quantitative approach, using as research techniques the content analysis of the interactions in the discussion forums and semi-structured interview. For the study of the identification and measurement of collaboration in asynchronous discussions, the collaboration model adapted from Murphy (2004) was used, which includes the categories: Social presence, Articulation of the individual perspective, Accommodating or reflecting the perspective of others, Co-construction of perspectives and purposes, Finding common goals and objectives and Production of shared materials. The results show a high level of interaction and collaboration in the initial stages and demonstrate that the asynchronous communication tools served for the moderators to assume the role of facilitators, leading students to reflect, question and analyse their practices, taking an active role along the way of learning, which leads us to conclude that there was collaborative learning, although not reaching the highest levels.
Investing in the training of teachers to adopt innovative pedagogical practices in the classroom has been the answer to overcome challenges and leverage changes in Vocational Education. This article presents the results of the investigation of the onlineNew Pedagogical Methodologies and Practices course conducted for vocational Education teachers-trainers and synthesizes the research study done in the master degree in eLearning Pedagogy (mPeL). The methodology used was the case study, with a qualitative and quantitative approach, using as research techniques the content analysis of the interactions in the discussion forums and semi-structured interview. For the study of the identification and measurement of collaboration in asynchronous discussions, the collaboration model adapted from Murphy (2004) was used, which includes the categories: Social presence, Articulation of the individual perspective, Accommodating or reflecting the perspective of others, Co-construction of perspectives and purposes, Finding common goals and objectives and Production of shared materials. The results show a high level of interaction and collaboration in the initial stages and demonstrate that the asynchronous communication tools served for the moderators to assume the role of facilitators, leading students to reflect, question and analyse their practices, taking an active role along the way of learning, which leads us to conclude that there was collaborative learning, although not reaching the highest levels.
Colaboração online Interação online Metodologia ativa Moderação online Aprendizagem colaborativa Online collaboration Online interaction Active methodology Online moderation Collaborative learning
Ramos, Katia; Paz, João - Aprendizagem colaborativa online: da interação à colaboração assíncrona num curso de uma instituição de ensino profissionalizante no Brasil. "RE@D – Revista de Educação a Distância e eLearning" [Em linha]. ISSN 2182-4967. Vol. 3, nº 2 (novembro 2020), p. 39-59
Universidade Aberta