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Numa perspetiva de estudo de um caso prático, são descritos e analisados, quantitativa e
qualitativamente, os impactos do planeamento, desenvolvimento e aplicação dos princípios
para a Implementação do Sistema HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point),
numa empresa produtora de água engarrafada em Angola. Com este trabalho foi possível
avaliar, analisar e propor alterações de procedimentos, métodos e documentos da empresa
de forma a melhorar o processo produtivo e preparar a empresa para a implementação do
Sistema de Segurança Alimentar - HACCP. Com base nas diretrizes do Codex Alimentarius
e do Código de Boas Práticas de Fabrico elaborado para a empresa, realizou-se uma auditoria
higiossanitária às instalações, organização, procedimentos e pré-requisitos com vista a
identificar não conformidades (NC) associadas ao processo de fabrico e propor medidas
corretivas. Relativamente ao plano HACCP foram identificados os pontos críticos de
controlo (PCC) nas diferentes fases do processo com o auxílio da árvore de decisão. Os PCC
identificados foram, a osmose inversa de 2º estágio, ozonização, armazenamento da água
ozonizada, enchimento e capsulagem.
Para melhorar a formação dos trabalhadores procedeu-se a um levantamento de necessidades
de formação através de um questionário a 50 trabalhadores. Cerca de 42 trabalhadores
responderam que formação é importante para melhorar o seu desempenho profissional e 32
para a obtenção uma qualificação profissional.
De forma a identificar os hábitos do consumo de água dos inquiridos da região, realizou-se
um questionário a n=250 inquiridos, com o objetivo de perceber quais os fatores importantes
quando compram água engarrafada, os custos inerentes à sua compra e se já tiveram doenças
associada ao consumo de água.
In the perspective of a practical case’s study, we describe and analyse, quantitatively and qualitatively, the impacts of developing and planning of the essential requirements for the HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) System Deployment, in a company that produces bottled water in Angola. With the current work, it was possible to evaluate, analyse, and propose changes in the procedures, documents and methods already existent in the company in order to improve the productive process and prepare the company for the implementation of the Food Safety System HACCP. By following the guidelines Codex Alimentarius and the Code of Good Manufacturing Practice designed for the company, a sanitary audit took place in the facilities and procedures aiming to identify unconformities associated with the process and suggest corrective measures. The Prerequisite Programs were overturned in order to support the HACCP system and a matrix of responsibilities by sectors in procedures was defined to speed up the internal communication. The critical points and the severity in all the productive process’ stages have been identified for a later implementation of corrective measures and control procedures. To improve the worker’s training, a needs assessment was carried out to understand what is essential to the workers. The worker’s training is important to about 42 of the workers to improve their professional performance and about 32 to obtain a professional qualification. To evaluate the water consumption habits, there has been done a quiz to about 250 persons aiming to better understand which are the most important factors for the consumers when they consume water, the inherent costs when buying bottled water and if they had any diseases related to their water consumption.
In the perspective of a practical case’s study, we describe and analyse, quantitatively and qualitatively, the impacts of developing and planning of the essential requirements for the HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) System Deployment, in a company that produces bottled water in Angola. With the current work, it was possible to evaluate, analyse, and propose changes in the procedures, documents and methods already existent in the company in order to improve the productive process and prepare the company for the implementation of the Food Safety System HACCP. By following the guidelines Codex Alimentarius and the Code of Good Manufacturing Practice designed for the company, a sanitary audit took place in the facilities and procedures aiming to identify unconformities associated with the process and suggest corrective measures. The Prerequisite Programs were overturned in order to support the HACCP system and a matrix of responsibilities by sectors in procedures was defined to speed up the internal communication. The critical points and the severity in all the productive process’ stages have been identified for a later implementation of corrective measures and control procedures. To improve the worker’s training, a needs assessment was carried out to understand what is essential to the workers. The worker’s training is important to about 42 of the workers to improve their professional performance and about 32 to obtain a professional qualification. To evaluate the water consumption habits, there has been done a quiz to about 250 persons aiming to better understand which are the most important factors for the consumers when they consume water, the inherent costs when buying bottled water and if they had any diseases related to their water consumption.
Segurança alimentar Consumo de água HACCP Garantia da qualidade Água engarrafada Auditoria Angola Bottled water Food safety Water quality
Martins, Giselda Marisa da Cunha Peixoto - Garantia da qualidade na produção de água para consumo humano numa empresa de Angola [Em linha]: a caminho da implementação do sistema HACCP. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2019, 217 p.