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Buscando interagir com o processo de independĂȘncia do Brasil na Bahia, buscou-se desenvolver um artefato didĂĄtico que representa-se as caracterĂsticas em torno do evento histĂłrico da Batalha de Itaparica. Nesse sentido, este artigo objetivou apresentar as etapas de desenvolvimento do jogo analĂłgico Vedetas alĂ©m do Tempo, tendo como mĂ©todo um estudo qualitativo e descritivo tanto das etapas de elaboração do jogo como tambĂ©m das intervençÔes derivadas. Desta forma, alĂ©m da finalização do jogo para uso pessoal e didĂĄtico, conclui-se que as informaçÔes apresentadas nesta produção acadĂȘmica situam o leitor para a importĂąncia das metodologias ativas no processo de ensino ao mobilizar diferentes habilidades e discussĂ”es de cunho histĂłrico-cultural em diferentes espaços formativos.
Seeking to engage with the process of Brazil's independence in Bahia, an educational artifact was developed to represent the characteristics surrounding the historical event of the Battle of Itaparica. In this sense, this article aimed to present the stages of development of the board game Vedetas Beyond Time, using a qualitative and descriptive study method for both the game development stages and the derived interventions. Thus, besides the finalization of the game for personal and educational use, it is concluded that the information presented in this academic production situates the reader regarding the importance of active methodologies in the teaching process by mobilizing different skills and historical-cultural discussions in various educational settings.
Seeking to engage with the process of Brazil's independence in Bahia, an educational artifact was developed to represent the characteristics surrounding the historical event of the Battle of Itaparica. In this sense, this article aimed to present the stages of development of the board game Vedetas Beyond Time, using a qualitative and descriptive study method for both the game development stages and the derived interventions. Thus, besides the finalization of the game for personal and educational use, it is concluded that the information presented in this academic production situates the reader regarding the importance of active methodologies in the teaching process by mobilizing different skills and historical-cultural discussions in various educational settings.
Jogos analĂłgicos Ensino-aprendizagem HistĂłria Metodologia ativa Board games Teaching-learning History Active methodology
Ferreira, Sol de Maria CĂ©sar; Batista, Filipe; Alves, Lynn - Vedetas AlĂ©m do Tempo: um jogo de tabuleiro para aprendizagem da independĂȘncia do Brasil. "RE@D â Revista de Educação a DistĂąncia e eLearning" [Em linha]. ISSN 2182-4967. Vol. 7, nÂș 2 (julho-dez. 2024)
Universidade Aberta. LE@D