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A partir de um estudo de caso, o retrato dito do rei português
D. Sebastião (1554-1578) exposto no Palácio Nacional da
Ajuda, procuraremos discorrer sobre os usos da retratística
durante o Renascimento, bem como a importância da cópia
no desenvolvimento da carreira dos pintores e res-pectivas
oficinas e no estabelecimento dos cânones iconográficos da
representação. Com base em investigação histórico-artística
e nos exames fotográficos realizados, analisaremos a pintura
mencionada apresentando alguns dados relevantes quanto
ao processo criativo e à execução pictórica na segunda
metade do século XVI, sem esquecer uma nova proposta
de identificação da personagem retratada.
The portrait said to be the Portuguese King Sebastião (1554-1578), exhibited at the Palácio Nacional da Ajuda, will be discussed in terms of the uses of portraiture during the Renaissance. We will also assess the importance of copying not only in the development of the painters’ careers and workshops, but also the creation of iconographic canons of representation. Based on both historical-artistic research and photographic exams, we will analyze the painting by presenting some relevant data on its iconography, the creative process and pictorial execution in the second half of the sixteenth century. In the end, we will propose a new hypothesis for identification the character portrayed.
The portrait said to be the Portuguese King Sebastião (1554-1578), exhibited at the Palácio Nacional da Ajuda, will be discussed in terms of the uses of portraiture during the Renaissance. We will also assess the importance of copying not only in the development of the painters’ careers and workshops, but also the creation of iconographic canons of representation. Based on both historical-artistic research and photographic exams, we will analyze the painting by presenting some relevant data on its iconography, the creative process and pictorial execution in the second half of the sixteenth century. In the end, we will propose a new hypothesis for identification the character portrayed.
Retrato Pintura François Clouet Palácio Nacional da Ajuda (Lisboa, Portugal)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas. Instituto de História da Arte