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Como utilizar o smartphone como instrumento pedagógico no 5.º ano de escolaridade, em Educação Musical, nos três domínios comuns à Educação Artística? Esta questão, à qual se pretendeu dar resposta, motivou o presente estudo, que decorreu no ano letivo de 2018-2019.
Metodologicamente optámos por um estudo de caso – uma turma do 5.º ano de
escolaridade do Agrupamento de Escolas Anselmo de Andrade. A recolha de dados foi
efetuada durante as atividades letivas através de observação e inquéritos. Para a análise dos dados recorreu-se à estatística descritiva e à análise de conteúdo.
Os resultados obtidos relevam que os alunos percecionam o smartphone como um
instrumento de entretenimento, o que, contudo, não inviabilizou o seu uso, dialógico e
colaborativo, e consequente construção das aprendizagens essenciais, nomeadamente
através das aplicações Doodle Bach, Padlet e Kahoot. Conclui-se, que tal é possível desde que as atividades letivas desenvolvidas no âmbito da aprendizagem ativa sejam
enquadradas por um código de conduta.
How to use the smartphone as a pedagogical resource in the 5th grade, in Music Education, in the three areas common to Art Education? The present study, that took place in the academic year of 2018-2019, was inspired by this question to which it aimed to answer to. Methodologically we opted for a case study approach - a 5th grade class of Anselmo de Andrade Group of Schools. Data collection was carried out during school activities through observation and surveys. Descriptive statistics and content analysis were used for data analysis. The results obtained hightlight that the pupils perceive the smartphone as an instrument of entertainment, which, however, did not prevent its dialogical and collaborative use, and subsequent construction of essential learning, through the Doodle Bach, Padlet and Kahoot. We conclude that this is possible providing that the teaching activities developed in the context of active learning are framed by a code of conduct.
How to use the smartphone as a pedagogical resource in the 5th grade, in Music Education, in the three areas common to Art Education? The present study, that took place in the academic year of 2018-2019, was inspired by this question to which it aimed to answer to. Methodologically we opted for a case study approach - a 5th grade class of Anselmo de Andrade Group of Schools. Data collection was carried out during school activities through observation and surveys. Descriptive statistics and content analysis were used for data analysis. The results obtained hightlight that the pupils perceive the smartphone as an instrument of entertainment, which, however, did not prevent its dialogical and collaborative use, and subsequent construction of essential learning, through the Doodle Bach, Padlet and Kahoot. We conclude that this is possible providing that the teaching activities developed in the context of active learning are framed by a code of conduct.
Smartphones Mobile learning Educação musical Ensino básico Aplicações Web Aprendizagem ativa M-learning Music education Basic school Active learning Web applications
Gonçalves, Jorge Manuel Parra - Os smartphones e a educação musical no 5.º ano de escolaridade [Em linha]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2021. 139 p.