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O cumprimento da escolaridade obrigatória, o sucesso e o controlo do abandono escolar estão longe de
ser metas atingidas em Portugal para as crianças e jovens ciganos. Atualmente está mais clara a importância da escolarização, seja do ponto de vista do estado, regulador do acesso de todos ao sistema de ensino público, seja por parte das famílias, que reconhecem a sua importância como recurso essencial para uma cidadania efetiva.
Neste artigo, através de uma abordagem etnográfica, são evidenciadas, por um lado, a continuidade de
reprodução de desigualdades sociais em relação aos ciganos portugueses e, por outro, os processos de mudança em curso que mostram que, face à escola, os ciganos experienciam desafios, enfrentando mudanças provindas de dentro e de fora da escola.
Compliance with compulsory schooling, school success and control of school drop-out are far from being achieved targets in Portugal for Portuguese Roma (Ciganos) children and youth. The importance of schooling is now clearer, from the point of view of the State, which regulates the access of all to the public education system, or from the families who recognize its importance as an essential resource for effective citizenship. In this article, from an ethnographic approach, on the one hand, the continuity of reproduction of social inequalities in relation to Ciganos will be evidenced, and, on the other hand, the ongoing processes of change that show that, in relation to the school, Ciganos experience challenges, facing changes from within and outside of school.
Compliance with compulsory schooling, school success and control of school drop-out are far from being achieved targets in Portugal for Portuguese Roma (Ciganos) children and youth. The importance of schooling is now clearer, from the point of view of the State, which regulates the access of all to the public education system, or from the families who recognize its importance as an essential resource for effective citizenship. In this article, from an ethnographic approach, on the one hand, the continuity of reproduction of social inequalities in relation to Ciganos will be evidenced, and, on the other hand, the ongoing processes of change that show that, in relation to the school, Ciganos experience challenges, facing changes from within and outside of school.
Ciganos portugueses Educação Desigualdades educativas Etnografia Escolas
Mendes, M. M., Magano, O. & Costa, A. R. (2020). Ciganos Portugueses. Escola e mudança social. In Sociologia, problemas e práticas, CIES_ ISCTE, 93, pp. 109-126. DOI: 10.7458/SPP20209313546