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Esta investigação teve como objetivo conhecer como se posiciona o 3.º ciclo de
Avaliação Externa das Escolas (3.º AEE) perante o Perfil do Aluno (PA), e o seu
lugar no Projeto Educativo de Escola e a Área de Cidadania e Desenvolvimento.
Tendo como objetivo estudar de que modo refletem os documentos internos de
escolas o lugar do Perfil do Aluno no contexto do currículo do ensino secundário,
o estudo foi desenvolvido interpretando a relação existente entre os documentos
internos das Escolas, o PA e a Área Cidadania e Desenvolvimento. O estudo foi
circunscrito a quatro escolas, selecionadas tendo como base os Relatórios da
AEE, do ano 2019/2020, pela relevância que têm na regulação do trabalho
curricular e no desenvolvimento das Escolas. Partindo do seu quadro de
referência e dos quatro domínios em que se estrutura recorremos às apreciações
dos respetivos Relatórios como critério para apurar os que contém referências
explicitamente positivas ao trabalho que desenvolvem com vista à prossecução
do PA, bem como à articulação curricular que estabelecem com a área de
Cidadania em coerência com os seus documentos internos, e os que expressam
tais referências negativamente. A investigação teve uma natureza qualitativa com
base na análise documental e de conteúdo, tendo como fontes os Relatórios do
3.º ciclo da AEE e os documentos internos das Escolas. Do estudo apuramos que
os documentos internos analisados carecem de maior explicitação no
desenvolvimento e operacionalização de práticas pedagógicas relativos ao PA em
articulação com a Cidadania.
This investigation aimed to find out how the 3rd cycle of External Evaluation of Schools (EES) is positioned in relation to the Student Profile (SP), and its place in the School Educational Project and the Citizenship and Development Area. Aiming to study how the internal documents of schools reflect the place of the Student Profile in the context of the secondary education curriculum, the study was developed by interpreting the relationship between the internal documents of the Schools, the PA and the Citizenship and Development Area . The study was limited to four schools, selected based on the EES Reports, for the year 2019/2020, due to the relevance they have in regulating curricular work and in the development of Schools. Starting from its frame of reference and the four domains in which it is structured, we use the assessments of the respective Reports as a criterion to determine those that contain explicitly positive references to the work they develop with a view to pursuing the SP, as well as the curricular articulation they establish with the Citizenship area in line with its internal documents, and those that express such references negatively. The investigation had a qualitative nature based on documental and content analysis, using as sources the Reports of the 3rd cycle of the EES and the internal documents of the Schools. From the study, we found that the analyzed internal documents lack greater explicitness in the development and operationalization of pedagogical practices related to the SP in articulation with Citizenship.
This investigation aimed to find out how the 3rd cycle of External Evaluation of Schools (EES) is positioned in relation to the Student Profile (SP), and its place in the School Educational Project and the Citizenship and Development Area. Aiming to study how the internal documents of schools reflect the place of the Student Profile in the context of the secondary education curriculum, the study was developed by interpreting the relationship between the internal documents of the Schools, the PA and the Citizenship and Development Area . The study was limited to four schools, selected based on the EES Reports, for the year 2019/2020, due to the relevance they have in regulating curricular work and in the development of Schools. Starting from its frame of reference and the four domains in which it is structured, we use the assessments of the respective Reports as a criterion to determine those that contain explicitly positive references to the work they develop with a view to pursuing the SP, as well as the curricular articulation they establish with the Citizenship area in line with its internal documents, and those that express such references negatively. The investigation had a qualitative nature based on documental and content analysis, using as sources the Reports of the 3rd cycle of the EES and the internal documents of the Schools. From the study, we found that the analyzed internal documents lack greater explicitness in the development and operationalization of pedagogical practices related to the SP in articulation with Citizenship.
Perfil do aluno Projeto Educativo de Escola Cidadania Desenvolvimento Avaliação externa de escolas Articulação curricular Student profile School educational project Citizenship and development External evaluation of schools Curriculum articulation
Álvaro, Maria Helena - O lugar do perfil do aluno no contexto do ensino secundário [Em linha]: leituras da avaliação externa das escolas e dos documentos internos. [S.l.]: [s.n.], [2024]. 207 p.