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A interação com artefatos tecnológicos na
contemporaneidade se insere em contribuições para os
processos de ensino e aprendizagem, e de controvérsias,
imersas nas arquiteturas algorítmicas que regem tais
artefatos na Cultura Digital. Imerso neste contexto estão as
plataformas digitais gamificadas, como o COMnPLAYer,
ambiente desenvolvido pela Universidade de Malta e
que tenciona a popularização de saberes científicos.
Desta forma, o presente estudo preliminar, que se insere
no formato de ensaio investigativo, propõe apresentar
as potencialidades da plataforma COMnPLAYer para a
divulgação científica em diferentes espaços de ensino.
Para isso, os autores exploram as interfaces interativas
da plataforma, seguindo como percurso metodológico
os princípios investigativos das Interfaces HumanoComputador (IHC), além da elaboração de uma matriz
de análise derivada. A partir da análise realizada foi
possível identificar possíveis benefícios da referida
plataforma acerca das dimensões lúdica, técnica,
pedagógica e científica em meio à historicidade quanto
à importância de saberes das Ciências. Portanto, a
Plataforma COMnPLAYer configura-se como mais um
exemplo de artefato digital que intercala as controvérsias
da dita sociedade de plataformas ao mesmo tempo
que possibilita o engajamento e o fluxo de informações
científicas aos seus interatores.
The interaction with technological artifacts in contemporary times is part of contributions to the teaching and learning processes, and of controversies, immersed in the algorithmic architectures that conduct such artifacts in Digital Culture. Immersed in this context are gamified digital platforms, such as COMnPLAYer, an environment developed by the University of Malta that intends to popularize scientific knowledge. Thus, this preliminary study, conceived as an investigative essay, proposes to present the potential of the COMnPLAYer platform for scientific dissemination in different teaching spaces. For this, the authors explore the platform’s interactive interfaces, following as a methodological approach the investigative principles of Human-Computer Interfaces (HCI), in addition to the elaboration of a derived analysis matrix. From the analysis carried out, it was possible to identify possible benefits of the aforementioned platform regarding the playful, technical, pedagogical, and scientific dimensions amidst the historicity regarding the importance of knowledge of Science. Therefore, the COMnPLAYer Platform emerges as another example of a digital artifact that balances the controversies of the socalled platform society while enabling the engagement and flow of scientific information to its interactors.
The interaction with technological artifacts in contemporary times is part of contributions to the teaching and learning processes, and of controversies, immersed in the algorithmic architectures that conduct such artifacts in Digital Culture. Immersed in this context are gamified digital platforms, such as COMnPLAYer, an environment developed by the University of Malta that intends to popularize scientific knowledge. Thus, this preliminary study, conceived as an investigative essay, proposes to present the potential of the COMnPLAYer platform for scientific dissemination in different teaching spaces. For this, the authors explore the platform’s interactive interfaces, following as a methodological approach the investigative principles of Human-Computer Interfaces (HCI), in addition to the elaboration of a derived analysis matrix. From the analysis carried out, it was possible to identify possible benefits of the aforementioned platform regarding the playful, technical, pedagogical, and scientific dimensions amidst the historicity regarding the importance of knowledge of Science. Therefore, the COMnPLAYer Platform emerges as another example of a digital artifact that balances the controversies of the socalled platform society while enabling the engagement and flow of scientific information to its interactors.
Difusão da ciência Artefatos digitais Narrativas gamificadas Dissemination of science Digital artifacts Gamified narratives
Lopes, D., Alves, L., Almeida, B., & Oliveira, M. (2022). Narrativas gamificadas e difusão da ciência: potencialidades da plataforma COMnPLAYER. Video Journal of Social and Human Research, 1(1). 34-48. http//
Universidade Aberta | Universidade Estadual do Maranhão