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O movimento de populações, de pessoas mais ou menos organizadas, é fenômenos tão antigos
como a humanidade, mas a migração de milhões de pessoas, nos dias de hoje, está se convertendo em um processo com níveis de estresse tão intensos que superam a sua capacidade de adaptação. Este estudo objetiva avaliar a saúde mental e analisar as representações sociais sobre os construtos imigração, imigrante, saúde mental e futuro de imigrantes brasileiros residentes na cidade de Genebra/Suíça. O estudo é exploratório e trabalha com abordagem multimétodo, com uma amostra de 266 participantes submetidos ao questionário biosociodemográfico, ao instrumento de Scrining Self-Reporting Questionnaire e à entrevista semidirigida. Os dados dos questionários foram analisados através do pacote estatístico Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS.for Windows.16), utilizando-se a estatística descritiva e inferencial e os conteúdos das entrevistas pela análise de conteúdo de Bardin (1997/2002). Os resultados demonstraram que a variável tempo de imigração favoreceu o aparecimento de déficits na saúde mental dos participantes. O presente estudo permitiu concluir que, nesse contexto de imigrações internacionais, as representações sociais dos imigrantes e a sua saúde mental
são influenciadas, proporcionalmente, pela duração ou pelo tempo da imigração.
The population movements of people who are more or less organized are a phenomenon as old as humanity. But the migration of millions of people who immigrate today is becoming a process with so intense stress levels that exceeds their capacity of adaptation. This study aims to assess the mental health and analyze the social representation of the constructs immigration, immigrant, mental health and the future of Brazilian immigrants who live in the city of Geneva, Switzerland. This is an exploratory multimethod approach held with a sample of 266 participants who answered the bio-social demographic questionnaire, the Instrument for Self-Reporting Questionnaire Scrining and the semi-directed interview. The questionnaire data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS.for Windows.16), using descriptive and inferential statistics and the content of the interviews through the analysis of Bardin (1997/2002). The results showed that the variable time of immigration has favored the emergence of deficits in the mental health of participants. This study concluded that in this context of international immigration the social representations and the mental health of the immigrants are influenced by the duration or by the time of immigration.
The population movements of people who are more or less organized are a phenomenon as old as humanity. But the migration of millions of people who immigrate today is becoming a process with so intense stress levels that exceeds their capacity of adaptation. This study aims to assess the mental health and analyze the social representation of the constructs immigration, immigrant, mental health and the future of Brazilian immigrants who live in the city of Geneva, Switzerland. This is an exploratory multimethod approach held with a sample of 266 participants who answered the bio-social demographic questionnaire, the Instrument for Self-Reporting Questionnaire Scrining and the semi-directed interview. The questionnaire data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS.for Windows.16), using descriptive and inferential statistics and the content of the interviews through the analysis of Bardin (1997/2002). The results showed that the variable time of immigration has favored the emergence of deficits in the mental health of participants. This study concluded that in this context of international immigration the social representations and the mental health of the immigrants are influenced by the duration or by the time of immigration.
Representações sociais Imigração humana Saúde mental Distúrbios mentais Social representation Imigration Mental health Mental disorders
Franken, Ieda; Coutinho, Maria da Penha de Lima; Ramos, Natália - Representações sociais, saúde mental e imigração internacional. "Psicologia [Em linha]: ciência e profissão". ISSN 1414-9893. Vol. 32, nº 1 (2012), p. 202-219