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Compreender a profissão docente, pressupõe compreender, a complexidade do ambiente de trabalho e a qualidade de vida e saúde desses profissionais. Partindo desta concepção, o artigo apresenta como objetivo a identificação e análise da saúde mental e qualidade de vida no desenvolvimento das atividades laborais dos professores estatutários que atuam em uma Universidade pública no Oeste do Paraná. Trata-se de uma pesquisa mista (qualitativa-quantitativa) de caráter exploratório, delineamento descritivo, desenvolvida por meio de uma pesquisa de campo, efetivada a partir da aplicação de um ‘questionário estruturado’, desenvolvido pelos próprios pesquisadores. A pesquisa contou com a participação de 94 professores voluntários de diferentes áreas de atuação.
Os resultados evidenciaram a insatisfação dos docentes, manifesta a partir da identificação da excessiva carga de trabalho, da considerável perda de autonomia, e da extensão da jornada de trabalho, com indicativos de precarização e a intensificação do trabalho. No estudo identificou-se a presença de transtornos mentais entre os professores, sendo a ansiedade, e a depressão os transtornos com maior incidência. Sendo o sentimento de cansaço atribuído ao principal fator de influência negativa nas condições de saúde.
Understanding the teaching profession presupposes understanding the complexity of the work environment and the quality of life and health of these professionals. Based on this conception, the article aims to identify and analyze mental health and quality of life in the development of work activities of statutory professors who work at a public University in Western Paraná. This is a mixed (qualitative-quantitative) research of an exploratory nature, descriptive design, developed through field research, carried out through the application of a 'structured questionnaire', developed by the researchers themselves. The research involved the participation of 110 volunteers, 16 of whom hold administrative positions. The results showed that the mental disorders that most affected teachers were anxiety, followed by depression, an order that is confirmed in the perception of administrative teachers. When considering feelings in relation to work, participants pointed to tiredness as the main factor with a negative influence on health conditions. Data analysis demonstrated the dissatisfaction of teachers, which was manifested due to the excessive workload, the considerable loss of autonomy, and the extension of the working day. These factors were identified based on the organization and demands of work, indicating the precariousness and intensification of teachers' work.
Understanding the teaching profession presupposes understanding the complexity of the work environment and the quality of life and health of these professionals. Based on this conception, the article aims to identify and analyze mental health and quality of life in the development of work activities of statutory professors who work at a public University in Western Paraná. This is a mixed (qualitative-quantitative) research of an exploratory nature, descriptive design, developed through field research, carried out through the application of a 'structured questionnaire', developed by the researchers themselves. The research involved the participation of 110 volunteers, 16 of whom hold administrative positions. The results showed that the mental disorders that most affected teachers were anxiety, followed by depression, an order that is confirmed in the perception of administrative teachers. When considering feelings in relation to work, participants pointed to tiredness as the main factor with a negative influence on health conditions. Data analysis demonstrated the dissatisfaction of teachers, which was manifested due to the excessive workload, the considerable loss of autonomy, and the extension of the working day. These factors were identified based on the organization and demands of work, indicating the precariousness and intensification of teachers' work.
Adoecimento Intensificação Precarização Trabalho docente Qualidade de vida Illness Intensification Precariousness Teaching work