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- Comunidades sustentaveis, governança e a grande transiçãoPublication . Jacquinet, Marc; Nobre, Ângela Lacerda; Duarte, Rogério; Pimentel, FernandoComo ponto de partida da definição, discussão e implementação de uma comunidade sustentável, podemos escolher a definição de Swales (1988, 1993, 1998) da comunidade de discurso que se baseia num conjunto de princípios a meditar.
- Visually supported curriculum developmentPublication . Duarte, Rogério; Nobre, Ângela Lacerda; Jacquinet, Marc; Pimentel, FernandoCurriculum development processes are of paramount importance for the preparation of future professionals. An impediment to these processes lays in stakeholders’ communication difficulties. This study considers the combination of information and data science techniques namely, the use of classification, natural language processing and network graphs, to make curriculum representations self-explanatory, bridging communication gaps and helping stakeholders to articulate their expert knowledge.
- Broader terms curriculum mapping: using natural language processing and visual-supported communication to create representative program planning experiencesPublication . Duarte, Rogério; Nobre, Ângela Lacerda; Pimentel, Fernando; Jacquinet, MarcAccreditation bodies call for curriculum development processes open to all stakeholders, reflecting viewpoints of students, industry, university faculty and society. However, communication difficulties between faculty and non-faculty groups leave unexplored an immense collaboration potential. Using classification of learning objectives, natural language processing, and data visualization, this paper presents a method to deliver program plan representations that are universal, self-explanatory, and empowering. A simple example shows how the method contributes to representative program planning experiences and a case study is used to confirm the method's accuracy and utility.
- Rethinking curriculum development through design thinkingPublication . Duarte, Rogério; Nobre, Ângela Lacerda; Pimentel, Fernando; Jacquinet, MarcHigher education institutions must be aware of the transformations that occur in societies in order to innovate and to offer revised educational curricula. Design Thinking is a tool that helps to foster innovation in business contexts. Could this methodology be used in higher education for curriculum development? The present article considers this question by presenting the Design Thinking methodology, establishing links with outcome based education, constructive alignment principles, and discussing the context specific to higher education institutions.
- Pensando programas curriculares como os projetistas pensamPublication . Duarte, Rogério; Nobre, Ângela Lacerda; Pimentel, Fernando; Jacquinet, MarcAs instituições de ensino superior têm de estar alerta para as mudanças que ocorrem na sociedade e por isso precisam inovar e transformar os seus programas curriculares. Uma ferramenta usada para potenciar a inovação nas empresas é a metodologia Pensando como um Projetista (Design Thinking). Será esta ferramenta útil também para o desenvolvimento de programas curriculares? O presente artigo procura uma resposta a esta questão apresentando a metodologia Pensando como um Projetista, discutindo a sua adequação no contexto de instituições de ensino superior e defendendo a articulação entre esta metodologia com o ensino assente em resultados (outcome based education), com princípios de alinhamento construtivo, como forma mais eficiente de desenvolver programas curriculares em instituições do ensino superior.