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Felício, J. Augusto

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  • Exploring migrant entrepreneurship and innovation in ultraperipheral regions: an investigation on opportunity and necessity-driven entrepreneurship
    Publication . Porfírio, José; Felício, J. Augusto; Rodrigues, Ricardo; Carrilho, Tiago
    Migrant entrepreneurship involves the indigenous population and migrant communities, exerting a profound influence on the host country or region. This phenomenon is particularly relevant in ultraperipheral areas, as in this research exemplified by the Autonomous Region of Madeira (Madeira), which recently wit nessed an intensification of migrant inflow, many originating from countries with a deep historical connection to the region. This research characterizes the entrepreneurial migrant community to discern factors that may contribute to formulating and enhancing political-social policies to foster entrepreneurship success, broadly relevant to generating wealth but of particular importance in facilitating migrants’ integration. The analysis focuses on understanding the motivations that drive entrepreneurial initiatives among migrants, recognizing the predominance of necessity-driven entrepreneurs, and that migrant entrepreneurs often take advantage of historical and familial ties to the region to overcome the obstacles specific to migrants.
  • Promoting entrepreneurial intentions from adolescence: the influence of entrepreneurial culture and education
    Publication . Porfírio, Jose; Felício, J. Augusto; Carrilho, Tiago; Jardim, Jacinto
    From a young age, entrepreneurship intentions depend heavily on the culture of countries and the entrepre neurial contexts that will shape entrepreneurial archetypes about what defines an entrepreneur, and the influ ence of role models. All these aspects depend on the would-be entrepreneurs’ personal characteristics, and are influenced by the entrepreneurship education they receive when they are young. Most of the studies on youth entrepreneurship focus on university students. However, it is in adolescence that the personal characteristics of entrepreneurs are formed. This may be the reason why these studies mostly reach contradictory results about the importance of these programs. From our sample of 1750 Portuguese students, we confirm the importance of entrepreneurial culture and education to promote entrepreneurial self-efficacy and develop entrepreneurial intentions. Our results contribute to ascertaining the importance of entrepreneurial educational programs delivered in adolescence, adapted to the specific characteristics of the target populations (potential entrepreneurs) on the development of entrepreneurship intentions. Thus, it helps with the subsequent definition of educational policies to foster entrepreneurship development from adolescence.
  • Factors affecting digital transformation in banking
    Publication . Porfírio, José; Felício, J. Augusto; Carrilho, Tiago
    This study analyzes the perceived impacts of Digital Transformation (DT) in the banking industry, identifying the factors that most affect banking performance and business volume. Based on the opinion of some board members and the perceptions of 50 bank employees, ground theory is used and fsQCA is applied to identify the factors and configurations between Employees, Internal, and External factors that influence the impact of DT on the performance of Portuguese banks. Research is developed at a micro level putting in evidence the holistic comprehension of the DT process and concluding on the importance of flexibility and management capacity to potentiate the impact of DT in banking, highlighting the crucial importance of the employees’ skills and stakeholders’ digital experience to bypass drawbacks to its potential and contributing to improve management and human resource policies to address DT in the banking industry.