21 results
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- Estudo nacional sobre as comunidades ciganas: observatório das comunidades ciganasPublication . Mendes, Maria Manuela; Magano, Olga; Candeias, Pedro
- Social and spatial continuities and differentiations among Portuguese ciganos: regional profilesPublication . Mendes, Maria Manuela; Magano, Olga; Candeias, PedroThe coexistence of people and societies marked by ethnic, social, cultural, religious and linguistic diversity is a subject that still generates controversies in contemporary societies. The “Ciganos’ situation” is an unavoidable issue that crosses the boundaries of different European countries, which leads to controversy and ambivalence in the so-called multicultural and/or intercultural societies characterised by the principle of universalism. In Portugal, despite the social and economic transformations that have occurred, the problems of exclusion and poverty among Ciganos persist. They are still considered the poorest ethnic group, with the worst housing conditions, lest schooling and the main target of racism and discrimination. The Portuguese Ciganos are not a homogeneous community. The diversity and plurality are not always easy to grasp by the glare generated by the adoption of interpretive perspectives that are reductively linear and deterministic of the Portuguese Ciganos. For the purpose of outlining a national picture of Portuguese Ciganos, a national study was developed that combines both qualitative and quantitative methodological approaches. The central goal of this article is to present the main results obtained through a questionnaire survey carried out to Ciganos persons and to discuss the social and spatial continuities and differentiations among Ciganos in Portugal.
- School pathways and economic practices of Portuguese ciganos: some continuities and changesPublication . Mendes, Maria Manuela; Magano, OlgaThe main aim of this article is to offer a comprehensive perspective to a better understanding of the actual situation of Portuguese Ciganos.1 In Portugal, the lack of recognition of Ciganos (Roma) and the sometimes incorrect ‘knowledge’ about them which are reflected in images that are limitative and distorted, suggest inferiority and are full of disdain, all of which negatively affects and restricts the life of Ciganos persons. This article intends to presents some of the main results of two qualitative studies conducted between 2004–2010, one of which sought to get to know Ciganos’ representations of domains, practices and situations perceived as discriminatory, while the other looked at the social integration paths of these persons. These studies produce new knowledge about both individual academic and occupational trajectories, and some of the main intergenerational changes that have occurred among Portuguese Ciganos. In addition, the article offers a new view about some social policies in Portugal and its impacts on Ciganos singularities. In fact, it’s possible to conclude that the universalism of the national social policies has not produced the desired effects in terms of a reduction in levels of poverty, exclusion, discrimination among Portuguese Ciganos.
- Gitans, politiques sociales et intégration sociale au PortugalPublication . Mendes, Maria Manuela; Magano, Olga
- Educational situation of Portuguese ciganos: social changes versus social continuitiesPublication . Mendes, Maria Manuela; Magano, OlgaThe purpose of this chapter is to present and discuss the main impacts of Portuguese public policies in the area of education in Portugal, since 25 April 1974. To this end, diversified information was collected, processed and analysed involving legal and other documents about these national policies, especially those of greater impact on Ciganos, in addition to thorough mapping of ongoing projects of local and social support in the Lisbon and Porto metropolitan areas, where the empirical research is being carried out. At a later stage, interviews were held with technical staff, project coordinators and local institutions, as well as Ciganos and their families. The purpose of using various data collection techniques is to capture the reality experienced by Cigano individuals and families, namely patterns of continuity and social change, particularly in the area of education, through triangulation between the discourses of informants and scientific knowledge already consolidated in these matters. We present a critical and reflexive interpretation of the policy orientations and achieved social rights, focusing on narratives of Ciganos, stakeholders and school representatives centred on what has changed in the school trajectories of Ciganos, in terms of continuity, success and permanence in public education.
- Integração de refugiados em Portugal: o papel e práticas das instituições de acolhimentoPublication . Sousa, Lúcio; Costa, Paulo Manuel; Albuquerque, Rosana; Magano, Olga; Bäckström, BárbaraEste é um relatório do projeto que visou inquirir os representantes das instituições de acolhimento sobre a motivação para o envolvimento institucional, como se organizaram, os apoios e redes convocados, ou criadas no desenrolar do processo de acolhimento de refugiados recolocados, o modo como decorreram os percursos de integração dos refugiados recolocados, as medidas concretas aplicadas, a forma como envolveram os refugiados na gestão das medidas que lhes estavam destinadas e a avaliação que fazem de todo o processo de acolhimento e integração.
- Structural racism and racialization of Roma/Ciganos in Portugal: the case of secondary school students during the COVID-19 PandemicPublication . Magano, Olga; Mendes, Maria ManuelaThe aim of this article is to contribute to the analysis of the structural racism and racialization that exists in Portugal against Roma people. Racialization takes place in various dimensions of life, but we will focus here on issues of schooling and education, which were accentuated during the COVID-19 pandemic and revealed a lack of social deprotection and inequalities between Roma and non-Roma students. This analysis, focusing on the impact on young people attending secondary education, is based on a qualitative study carried out in the Metropolitan Areas of Lisbon and Porto using data from three focus groups and in-depth interviews with 33 secondary school students. Several public policies currently cover the Roma/Ciganos, but social inequality persists in terms of basic subsistence conditions and civic participation, as well as in the form of structural racism, with little Roma participation in political life and the invisibility of representation. The situation has worsened exponentially due to the COVID-19 pandemic, with the combination of “classic” forms of racism and discrimination and the new forms of exclusion that have also appeared. We argue that the implicit acceptance of poverty and marginalization among Roma people needs to be viewed as a component of the racialization and antigypsyism to which they are subjected, and this dimension needs to be further investigated by scientific agendas.
- Investigação sobre pessoas ciganas em Portugal: hiato entre conhecimento e desenho de políticas públicasPublication . Magano, Olga; Mendes, Maria ManuelaO objetivo deste artigo é fazer uma reflexão exploratória sobre os Ciganos enquanto construção social e os percursos teórico-metodológicos prosseguidos em Portugal. A constru-ção social da imagem sobre os Ciganos em Portugal é imputada, a maior parte das vezes, a aspetos negativos quanto a modos de vida marginais (muitas vezes vistos como “parasitas” sociais) e a um suposto desinteresse de integração na sociedade portuguesa, aspetos que condi-cionam os olhares etnocêntricos sobre a pessoas Ciganas e também o modo como pesquisadores problematizam e investigam. Nos últimos anos têm aumentado de forma significativa os trabalhos desenvolvidos sobre os Ciganos em Portugal o que nos tem permitido conhecer pesquisas realizadas nas várias Ciências Sociais, sobretudo em Sociologia e Antropologia em que se tenta romper com estigmas e dar a conhecer a realidade plural e não homogénea da cultura e das pessoas Ciganas. Pretendemos deixar aqui algumas pistas para sistematização e exploração sobre este percurso da construção do conhecimento sobre os Ciganos em Portugal e a sua não incorporação no desenho de políticas públicas.
- Key factors to educational continuity and success of ciganos in PortugalPublication . Magano, Olga; Mendes, Maria ManuelaThe goal of this article is to analyse the impact of specific public policies on the school trajectories of socially vulnerable Ciganos (Gypsies/Roma) who reside/live in the Metropolitan Areas of Lisbon and Porto. Through carrying out qualitative research, the analysis of key factors will allow us to understand the reasons behind school continuity and educational success of Ciganos, as well as the identity (re)configuration processes associated with the education paths of these individuals. We find that trajectories are not only intertwined with public policies and programmes, but also with other explanatory factors inherent to the individual,to the type of support he/she receives from his/her family, the presence of key figures in their lives, and the importance of peers and institutional factors inherent to the way public schools operate.
- Ciganos em Portugal, Espanha e Brasil: analisando contextos, demandas e processos identitáriosPublication . Magano, Olga; Mendes, Maria Manuela
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