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  • Assessment of university teachers on their digital competences
    Publication . Trindade, Sara Dias; Moreira, J. António; Ferreira, António Gomes
    The potential of DTIC has brought new challenges to teachers, making it essential to acquire digital competences. The aim of this research is to assess Portuguese university teachers’ digital competence level. The quantitative methodological approach emphasises the teachers’ perception of their digital competences in three dimensions: teachers ́ professional and pedagogic com- petences and learners’ competences and involved 118 Portuguese University teachers. The main findings show that the digital competence level of teach- ers is moderate, and that subdimensions “Guidance”, “Analysing Evidence” and “Responsible Use”, are the weakest. On the other hand, the subdimen- sion in which teachers perceive to have more competence is “Organisational Communication”. The results show the need for teachers to increase their digital competence level through specific training, especially as regards the pedagogical use of technology, in particular more practical, experimental training.
  • Avaliação das competências e fluência digitais de professores no ensino público médio e fundamental em Portugal
    Publication . Trindade, Sara Dias; Moreira, J. António
    Esta pesquisa procura avaliar as competências e fluência digitais de professores portugueses, posicionando-os num nível de proficiência específico e apontando possíveis respostas formativas em função disso. Metodologicamente, realiza uma abordagem de cariz quantitativo, com ênfase na perceção de 127 professores do Ensino Médio e Fundamental, sobre as suas competências digitais em três dimensões nucleares: competências profissionais, competências pedagógicas e competências dos estudantes. Os resultados permitem concluir que os docentes apresentam, globalmente, um nível de proficiência digital moderado, sendo as dimensões competências pedagógicas e competências dos estudantes as que apresentam valores mais baixos. Verifica-se, também, que as competências relacionadas com as diferentes necessidades dos estudantes apresentam maiores fragilidades e que não existem diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre as variáveis “idade” e “departamento disciplinar” e o nível de competência digital.
  • Teachers’ digital competences in higher education in Portugal and Spain
    Publication . Trindade, Sara Dias; Moreira, J. António; García, Juan Gabriel; Garrido Pintado, Pablo; Mas Miguel, Ana
    The potential of DTIC has brought new and emerging challenges to teachers, making it essential to acquire digital competences, especially in virtual learning environments and online technologies. In this sense, based on the DigCompEdu CheckIn self-assessment questionnaire, validated for the Portuguese population by earlier studies, this research aims to identify the most fragile and robust areas of digital competences of Portuguese and Spanish university teachers. The quantitative methodological approach emphasizes teachers’ perception of their digital competences in three dimensions: teachers’ professional competences, teachers’ pedagogical competences and students’ competences and involved 347 teachers from Portugal and Spain. The results show that teachers of the two institutions have an overall moderate level of digital proficiency–level B1 and B2–and that the differences encountered between Portuguese and Spanish teachers (for example, Portuguese teachers have level A2 in area 4–assessment–, while Spanish teachers are already at level B2) highlight the need to invest in specific training that may address specific frailties, and therefore allow for the promotion of their digital competences. Results relating to teaching experience and age show that there is no direct relation between either factor or being digitally competent. Regarding gender, results reveal that men had slightly better results than women. Overall, what the results show is the need for teachers to increase the level of digital competence through specific training, prepared according to the specificities of each institution, and the importance of developing public policies that prepare teachers for a more digital education.
  • Evaluation of the teachers’ digital competences in primary and secondary education in Portugal with DigCompEdu checkIn in pandemic times
    Publication . Trindade, Sara Dias; Moreira, J. António; Ferreira, António Gomes
    The current pandemic crisis the world is living in has brought new and emerging challenges to teachers, making it essential to acquire digital skills, especially in virtual learning environments and online technologies. In this sense, from the DigCompEdu CheckIn self-assessment questionnaire, validated for the Portuguese population by Dias-Trindade, Moreira, and Nunes (2019), the research presented in this paper aims to identify the most fragile and robust areas of digital skills of primary and secondary education (ISCED) perceived by teachers in Portugal. The quantitative methodological approach emphasizes teachers' perception of their digital skills in three dimensions: teachers’ professional competences, teachers’ pedagogical competences and students' competences and involved 434 teachers from mainland Portugal and the Autonomous Regions. The results allow us to conclude that teachers have an overall moderate level of digital proficiency – level B1 - Integrators – and the dimensions pedagogical competences and students’ competences are those where teachers have more weaknesses than in other levels. From a panorama observed before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is possible to understand their needs regarding work that involves digital technologies at different moments in the teaching activity. The results thus, show the need for teachers to increase their level of digital competence through specific training and the importance of developing public policies that prepare teachers for a more digital school.
  • Assessment of high school teachers on their digital competences
    Publication . Trindade, Sara Dias; Moreira, J. António
    Digital Technologies’ potential has brought new challenges to teachers, making it essential to acquire digital competences that will allow them to effectively use those technologies. The aim of this research is to assess the Portuguese high school teachers’ digital competence level. The quantitative methodology used emphasises the teachers’ perception of their digital competences in three focal dimensions: teachers’ professional and pedagogic competences and learners’ competences. The findings show that teachers’ digital competence level is moderate; the dimensions with the lowest values are “teachers’ pedagogic competences” and “learners’ competences”. Subdimensions Assessment, Empowering Learners and Facilitating Learners’ Digital Competence are the weakest.