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Vilela da Rocha, Tânia de Jesus

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  • Validation of e-government information delivery attributes: the adoption of the focus group method
    Publication . Monteiro, José Augusto de Araújo; Bernardo, Maria do Rosário Matos; Ferreira, Mafalda; Rocha, Tânia
    In democratic countries, government websites became an important channel for interaction with the public administration in the last few years. Nevertheless, several issues have an impact on the way users access to content and information. Lack of accessibility and usability or, in the broad sense, lack of concern with user needs, can still be found in many government websites. To address the problem, a previous literature review on e-government information delivery attributes was performed. Based on this review, a large set of attributes related to quality was obtained to evaluate these dimensions in the context of e-government. The purpose of this study is to better understand which of these attributes are the most valued, in the users’ perspective, for evaluating content delivered by government websites. A qualitative approach was adopted, using Focus Group interviews as a strategy to obtain data and Thematic Analysis to analyze such data. The main results highlighted the attributes related to content delivery, interaction, and emotional aspects. User Experience, accessibility, and usability were prioritized by Focus Group participants.
  • Identification of attributes for evaluating the content of e-government websites: a systematic literature review
    Publication . Monteiro, José Augusto de Araújo; Bernardo, Maria do Rosário Matos; Rocha, Tânia
    In the last twenty years, e-government has become a strong complement to traditional public services. This study involved a systematic literature review to select studies enabling the identification of the attributes used to evaluate how content is delivered to users. The search strategy was limited to four databases to cover egovernment multidisciplinary areas. The sources of information used were books, book chapters, conference papers, and articles in peer-reviewed journals, written in English or Portuguese, and which subjects included e-government research, published since 2000. The PRISMA statement has guided the research methodology. The lack of explanation of the role of the attributes found in the studies and the diversified terminology used, can be pointed as the main limitations of the study. On the other hand, since the interpretation was based on author past experiences and convictions, there may be a bias in the understanding of the less clear attributes with consequences on their description and the interpretation of similarities among attributes. The research resulted in the identification of 139 attributes, from which 56 are considered main attributes, and 83 similar attributes. Attributes such as quality, interface, content, information, user experience, usability, and accessibility appear as the most relevant
  • Um modelo de valor de entrega de Informação aplicado ao governo eletrónico
    Publication . Monteiro, J. A.; Bernardo, Maria do Rosário Matos; Rocha, Tânia
    Neste artigo apresenta-se um modelo para avaliação da informação entregue através dos sítios Web de governo eletrónico. Através deste modelo propõe-se capturar o contributo do utilizador do governo eletrónico como um ativo para melhorar a qualidade da sua interação com a administração pública através da Web. A concetualização do modelo tem como principais pilares os domínios da acessibilidade, usabilidade, experiência do utilizador e a qualidade. Como resultado mais relevante, apresenta-se um modelo que assenta em três vistas que vão desde a interação entre o utilizador e a administração pública até ao processo de questionamento baseados em atributos do governo eletrónico.
  • Editorial
    Publication . Rita, Annabela; Franco, José Eduardo; Rocha, Tânia
    Se a modernidade é marcada pela crise a todos os níveis, incluindo o das identidades, crise especialmente perscrutada desde as guerras mundiais, a atualidade veio, agora, repor a problemática da guerra e da emergência dos radicalismos que, anunciando despotismos políticos, chegam a beirar o terrorismo. É, pois, oportuno revisitar o modo como a Literatura, em particular, e como a Arte, em geral, se têm relacionado com esses fenómenos, em especial, com o do exercício autoritário do poder: na sua inscrição cultural, como os refere, clara ou dissimuladamente, denunciando ou compactuando, revolucionando, representando, (contra)propondo… Daí o dossiê deste nono numero, «Representações do autoritarismo na literatura portuguesa e brasileira», coordenado e apresentado por Annabela Rita e Zuzana Burianová, dedicado ao tema nas literaturas lusófonas.