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- Agrarian migrant workers in times of Covid-19 pandemic: the cases of Spain and PortugalPublication . Jacquinet, Marc; Bussotti, LucaThe research addresses the impact of the pandemic on rural migrant workers in two Southern European countries that are at the center of a restructured supply chains of fresh vegetables: Portugal and Spain, where a new political economy of agriculture emerged in the last decades. These two well-known countries for wine produce also olive, olive oils, almonds, tomatoes, oranges, grapes, and other fruits and vegetables. Traditionally, the workers were still in the 1990s mostly coming from local places. Now, immigrants from Sub-Saharan and Northern Africa and from Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Asia are a large part of the agrarian labor force. The vulnerability, discrimination, and difficulties of livelihood of these migrants workers are common currency and, despite contradictory economic incentives, the pandemic has made matters worst, especially for women and individuals not speaking the local languages. After describing the historical evolution and differences of the agrarian sectors of the two countries for fresh fruits and vegetables, we discuss the impact of the pandemic with a focus on gender. Whereas the situation before the pandemic was precarious and slowly improving on some counts, namely the increase of worker organization, the current process is one of recess. The paper identifies questions neglected by the literature on the pandemic in rural areas, in particular the vulnerability of immigrant workers to hunger, austerity, gender divide and discrimination, health risks, heavy constrained work, deportation, joblessness, and the lack of policies to ease social and economic ills beyond the focus on temporary normalization and repression.
- Emerging boundaries of human rights, conviviality, and social science of globalization: critiques in search of new dynamicsPublication . Jacquinet, Marc; Bussotti, Luca; Nhaueleque, LauraThe panel deals with three interrelated issues – even if their commonness does not seem that obvious – of the current transformations of global societies and social sciences across very diverse geographical areas around the globe: human rights, conviviality (Caillé) and the issue of the “global” in social sciences. Each subject is contested. Each has reached a “frontier” and the debate turns around the question of regress or new ways of expansion. So, the question is what are the dynamics of new phenomena that try to cross the frontier.
- A new paradigm for development?: the issue of human rights and democratic institutionsPublication . Jacquinet, Marc; Bussotti, LucaAfter the post-development literature that led away from growth and accumulation of capital, the last decades have not just shown the limits or frustrations of these views but also opened the door for new criticisms and new proposals for changing societies, and not just their economic structures. This debate has much in common with the one on economic and sustainability indicators. In the present paper we try to relate the concept of development with human rights development and democratic institutions. A final consideration is made about the methodological implications of that transformation. The issue of development must be broadened in historical, disciplinary, and geographical terms. The new paradigm can be extended on several avenues. First, the problem of growth, economic indicators (GDP, among others), and capital accumulation (investment) are still central to the economic management of any country; but this is not enough, if we consider climate change, environmental pollution, and social ailments. A broader conception of societies, human being must be adopted, namely integrating a theory of needs, a new extension of human rights and a deepening of democratic and participative institutions. Second, the concept of development must adopt a historical view of the problems thar are analyzed and subject to policy definitions. This means looking at the process of development and historical legacy and not just at outcomes in the short run. Third, the notion of sustainability must gain broader currency, beyond the sustainable development goals. This implies a more integrated approach within countries in the Global South to define, implement and control policies. And this is also only possible with better democratic institutions and human rights compliance. All these connect to the extension of a new generation of human rights and democratic institutions. Some human rights are locally developed such as those of the Banjul Charter or African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights and there is space for more. Democratic institutions and participation mean more ingrained and locally embedded approaches that last longer and correspond to local necessities. The present contribution combines human rights and the functioning of democracy and participation in an institutional perspective. It relates to the notion of sustainability that itself is a combination of the natural and the human worlds. Finally, it is important to adopt new methodologies that involve the beneficiaries of the policies, defining with them at least one part of the indicators, thence avoiding top-down approaches, in favor of more bottom-up ones.
- Novas dimensões do risco, incertezas emergentes nos usos de big data e inteligência artificialPublication . Jacquinet, Marc; Bussotti, Luca; Cavique, LuísDepois de uma evolução constante, e mais recentemente, em apenas uma década, o uso da informação nas ciências, nas empresas e na sociedade se tem modificado profundamente. O objetivo desta comunicação é discutir as transformações do risco, com as novas zonas de sombra nos processos decisórios em relação à utilização massiva de dados e de ferramentas de inteligência artificia. Destas transformações, resultam em novas combinações no vida cotidiana e nas tomadas de decisões, nomeadamente em empresas e nos sistemas políticos e nos processos eleitorais.
- Tecnologia, risco relacionado com registos de saúde e direito e valores dos pacientesPublication . Jacquinet, Marc; Curado, Henrique; Nobre, Ângela Lacerda; Bussotti, LucaA primeira questão desta comunicação é a do risco de acesso à informação médica de pacientes em plataformas digitais, nomeadamente às que processam registos de saúde de pacientes e doentes, sejam em consultórios médicos, clínicas, hospitais, farmácias, sistemas públicos ou privados de saúde, entidades empregadoras e companhias de seguros ou mesmo bancos. O risco deve ser entendido em termos latos, incluindo riscos financeiros, jurídicos, sociais e pessoais. Além desta abrangência de domínios da vida quotidiana, deve ser tomado em conta os riscos futuros em termos de fenómenos emergentes. Um enfoque será dado aos aspetos jurídicos e sociais, para lá das abordagens tradicionais de economia. É importante salientar que a questão da saúde, da ciência e da técnica na saúde abrange mais do que os aspetos económicos e financeiros. Estes aspetos podem ser relacionados com o conceito de risco e permitem sublinhar quem suporta ou partilha os riscos e as suas consequências. Depois de definir os conceitos utilizados, em termos de risco, plataforma, sistemas de informação, direito à privacidade da informação, segurança da informação pessoal, registo eletrónico de saúde, entre outros, passamos a desenvolver as várias dimensões do risco e como se relaciona com a informação do paciente. A seguir, o presente texto tomará alguns exemplos ou casos ilustrativos da prática no setor da saúde em Portugal e na Europa. Uma breve consideração sobre as doenças raras será feito. Numa terceira parte, vai se analisar os desafios futuros em termos de expansão dos sistemas tecnológicos e de sistemas de informação e como isto se relaciona com a gestão dos dados clínicos e o direito à privacidade e a proteção da dignidade dos indivíduos.