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Neste capítulo procuramos contextualizar a emergência de ebooks interatvos e multmédia no
Ensino a Distância, com o objetvo de selecionar e desenvolver aplicações que proporcionem
boas prátcas, e com a possibilidade de melhorar as aprendizagens em determinados contextos.
As experiências que aqui relatamos, ocorridas em Portugal e no Brasil, mostram que os ebooks
apresentam várias vantagens, comparatvamente com o livro em papel, mas as suas virtualidades
têm de ser realizadas em termos de aplicação efcaz num determinado domínio, com objetvos
bem defnidos e apoio numa estratégia pedagógica adequada. A literatura cientfca estudada
e as experiências no terreno mostram que estratégias como “content gamifcaton” e “digital
storytelling”, apoiadas na realização de projetos multmédia interatvos, podem ter grande sucesso.
In this chapter we provide some background on the emergence of interactve and multmedia ebooks in Distance Learning with the objectve of selectng and developing applicatons that provide good practces, and with the perspectve of improving learning in certain contexts. The experiences we report took place in Portugal and Brazil and show that ebooks have several advantages compared to the printed book, but their potental has to be realized in terms of efectve applicaton in a given domain, with well-defned objectves and an appropriate pedagogical strategy. The scientfc literature studied and the feld work show that strategies such as “content gamifcaton” and “digital storytelling”, supported in the context of interactve multmedia projects, can achieve great success.
In this chapter we provide some background on the emergence of interactve and multmedia ebooks in Distance Learning with the objectve of selectng and developing applicatons that provide good practces, and with the perspectve of improving learning in certain contexts. The experiences we report took place in Portugal and Brazil and show that ebooks have several advantages compared to the printed book, but their potental has to be realized in terms of efectve applicaton in a given domain, with well-defned objectves and an appropriate pedagogical strategy. The scientfc literature studied and the feld work show that strategies such as “content gamifcaton” and “digital storytelling”, supported in the context of interactve multmedia projects, can achieve great success.
Ebooks interatvos Ensino a distância Mobile learning Gamification Interactve ebooks Distance educaton
Bidarra, José; Lima, Eduardo - Ebooks interativos e multimédia no ensino a distância. In Dias, Paulo; Moreira, Darlinda; Mendes, António Quintas, coord. - "Inovar para a qualidade na educação digital" [em linha]. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta, 2019. (eUAb. Educação a Distância e eLearning; 6). ISBN 978-972-674-839-7. p. 44-61