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A presente obra propõe uma análise, perspectivada na longa duração, das percepções
polémicas do carácter, da acção e do papel dos Jesuítas nos diferentes âmbitos da história
de Portugal, enquanto configuradoras de uma imagem que ganhou contornos mitificantes,
especialmente a partir do ministério político do Primeiro-Ministro de D. José I (1750-
1777). Assim, o Marquês de Pombal é aqui estudado como o fundador do mito da Companhia de Jesus em Portugal. Mas não é possível compreender as raízes, a dimensão, o
impacte, as funcionalidades e o significado deste mito negro na cultura e na mentalidade
portuguesas se não tivermos em conta os antecedentes deste processo de engendramento
de uma imagiologia mítica e a sua recepção e recriação posteriores. Por isso, a nossa
prospecção hermenêutica insere a fundação pombalina do mito jesuíta numa banda temporal mais lata, que nos permite apreciar a génese, a formação e a evolução do mito,
englobando mais de quatro séculos de história.
The present dissertation proposes a long duration analysis of the polemic perceptions of the Jesuits in different chronological points of the history of Portugal. Their character, performance and role have shaped an image that gained mythical proportions, especially after Marquês de Pombal term as Prime-Minister to king José I (1750-1777). Pombal is here studied as the founder of the myth of the Society of Jesus in Portugal. However, in order to understand the roots, dimension, impact, functions and meaning of this dark myth in Portuguese culture and mentality, we have to take into account the antecedents of this process of creation and its further reception and recreation of mythical imagery. Therefore, the research inserts Pombal’s foundation of the Jesuit myth into a broader time span, which allows us to appreciate its genesis, growth and mythical evolution for four longer centuries of history.
The present dissertation proposes a long duration analysis of the polemic perceptions of the Jesuits in different chronological points of the history of Portugal. Their character, performance and role have shaped an image that gained mythical proportions, especially after Marquês de Pombal term as Prime-Minister to king José I (1750-1777). Pombal is here studied as the founder of the myth of the Society of Jesus in Portugal. However, in order to understand the roots, dimension, impact, functions and meaning of this dark myth in Portuguese culture and mentality, we have to take into account the antecedents of this process of creation and its further reception and recreation of mythical imagery. Therefore, the research inserts Pombal’s foundation of the Jesuit myth into a broader time span, which allows us to appreciate its genesis, growth and mythical evolution for four longer centuries of history.
Vol. I - Das origens ao Marquês de Pombal
Jesuítas Mito Portugal Pombalismo Absolutismo Liberalismo Republicanismo Educação Descobrimentos Jesuit Myth Marquês de Pombal’s Government Absolutism Liberalism Republicanism Education Discoveries