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A educação a distância (EaD) assume-se como um sistema complexo, no qual o papel do
docente a distância transformou-se, principalmente na última década, exigindo uma
mudança de paradigma no que diz respeito ao tempo e espaço instrucional, às técnicas de
gestão da comunicação virtual e à sua pedagogia. Neste quadro, torna-se importante
aprofundar o estudo iniciado por vários autores sobre os seus papéis e competências, bem
como da identidade que este docente assume (ou que pode assumir).
Neste estudo, pretende-se descrever e analisar os perfis que o docente a distância assume,
nas vertentes da caraterização do seu papel, competências e identidade na Universidade
Aberta (UAb) de Portugal. Para a concretização destes objetivos, o design da investigação
privilegia um estudo exploratório e descritivo com três fases:1) revisão da literatura sobre a
docência a distância; 2) implementação de um focus group sobre docência a distância
integrando os dois perfis (professores e tutores) em EaD; 3) aplicação de um inquérito por
questionário a professores e tutores da UAb.
De acordo com os resultados obtidos, os docentes demonstram ter grande experiência
acumulada em EaD, bem como formação específica para a docência online. Os docentes
valorizam a interação com os estudantes, sendo o interesse e flexibilidade da EaD os
principais motivos para ensinar a distância.
No caso dos papéis do docente a distância, embora todos sejam considerados importantes,
os mais valorizados são os papéis Pedagógico, Social, de Avaliador e de Orientador. No que
se refere às competências consideradas como importantes pelos docentes, destacam-se as de
Avaliação (‘avaliar o trabalho do estudante de acordo com os critérios estabelecidos’; ‘dar
feedback atempado sobre as atividades’); as competências de Orientação (‘demonstrar
disponibilidade para clarificar dúvidas’; ‘sugerir medidas para melhorar o desempenho do
estudante’, ‘promover a motivação dos estudantes’); as competências Sociais (‘fornecer
feedback às interações; comunicações do estudante’; ‘manter um ambiente de aprendizagem
cordial’; ‘atuar como um facilitador da aprendizagem’); e as competências Pessoais (‘adotar
uma postura ética’; ‘ser empático na comunicação online’).
Quanto à identidade do docente, os resultados obtidos não permitem concluir que exista uma
identidade única, apontando que a construção da identidade dos docentes se realiza, através
dos fatores Profissionais e de Contexto. Embora quando se analisa mais aprofundadamente
os subfatores que parecem ter influência na identidade, conclui-se que são, sobretudo os
subfatores ‘experiência acumulada’ (Pessoais); ‘abertura à mudança’; ‘conhecimento e
compreensão acerca da especificidade do EaD’; a ‘motivação e a satisfação com o
desenvolvimento profissional’ e o ‘espírito de colaboração em equipas’ (Profissionais).
Distance education (DE) assumes itself as a complex system, in which the role of the distance teacher has been transformed, especially in the last decade, requiring a paradigm shift in terms of time and instructional space, management techniques, virtual communication, and its pedagogy. In this context, it becomes important to continue the research started by other authors on the teachers' roles, competencies, and identity. The present study intends to describe and analyse the profile, roles, competencies, and the online teachers’ identity in the Portuguese Open University (Universidade Aberta). To achieve these objectives, the research design privileges an exploratory and descriptive study with three phases: 1) a review of the literature on distance learning; 2) implementation of a focus group (teachers and tutors); 3) application of survey to teachers and tutors from UAb. According to the results obtained the teachers have an extensive experience in distance education as well as specific training for online teaching. Teachers value the interaction with students, being the interest and flexibility of distance education the main reasons for teaching at a distance. Although all the roles are considered important, the most valued are the Pedagogical, Social, Evaluator and Advisor roles. Regarding the competencies considered as important by the teachers, were the Evaluator: ‘assess students' work according to established criteria' and 'giving timely feedback on activities'; Advisor competencies: ‘demonstrate availability to clarify doubts’; 'suggest measures to enhance students’ performance', and ‘motivate the students’; the Social competencies: 'give feedback to student interactions and communications'; 'maintain a cordial learning environment'; and 'act as a facilitator of learning'; Personal competencies: 'adopt an ethical posture'; and 'be empathetic in online communication'. As for the teachers’ identity, the results obtained do not allow concluding that there is a single identity, as they can develop their identity through Professional and Context factors. Although when we analysed more specifically which subfactors seem to have an influence on their identity, are specially the subfactors 'accumulated experience' (Personal); 'openness to change'; 'knowledge and understanding about the specificity of distance education'; the 'motivation and satisfaction with professional development' and the 'spirit of collaboration in teams' (Professionals).
Distance education (DE) assumes itself as a complex system, in which the role of the distance teacher has been transformed, especially in the last decade, requiring a paradigm shift in terms of time and instructional space, management techniques, virtual communication, and its pedagogy. In this context, it becomes important to continue the research started by other authors on the teachers' roles, competencies, and identity. The present study intends to describe and analyse the profile, roles, competencies, and the online teachers’ identity in the Portuguese Open University (Universidade Aberta). To achieve these objectives, the research design privileges an exploratory and descriptive study with three phases: 1) a review of the literature on distance learning; 2) implementation of a focus group (teachers and tutors); 3) application of survey to teachers and tutors from UAb. According to the results obtained the teachers have an extensive experience in distance education as well as specific training for online teaching. Teachers value the interaction with students, being the interest and flexibility of distance education the main reasons for teaching at a distance. Although all the roles are considered important, the most valued are the Pedagogical, Social, Evaluator and Advisor roles. Regarding the competencies considered as important by the teachers, were the Evaluator: ‘assess students' work according to established criteria' and 'giving timely feedback on activities'; Advisor competencies: ‘demonstrate availability to clarify doubts’; 'suggest measures to enhance students’ performance', and ‘motivate the students’; the Social competencies: 'give feedback to student interactions and communications'; 'maintain a cordial learning environment'; and 'act as a facilitator of learning'; Personal competencies: 'adopt an ethical posture'; and 'be empathetic in online communication'. As for the teachers’ identity, the results obtained do not allow concluding that there is a single identity, as they can develop their identity through Professional and Context factors. Although when we analysed more specifically which subfactors seem to have an influence on their identity, are specially the subfactors 'accumulated experience' (Personal); 'openness to change'; 'knowledge and understanding about the specificity of distance education'; the 'motivation and satisfaction with professional development' and the 'spirit of collaboration in teams' (Professionals).
Educação a distância Docente a distância Papéis e competência Identidade Distance education Online teacher Roles and competencies Identity
Martins, Dércio Miguel dos Santos - Docência nos sistemas de educação a distância: estudo de identidade e perfis do docente online. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2022. 259 p.