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O fenómeno dos sem-abrigo é explicável por processos de reconfiguração de diferentes tipos de laços sociais, levando a uma redução da protecção e do reconhecimento que estes, teoricamente, garantem aos indivíduos. A reconfiguração do laço de cidadania é fundamental para compreendermos este fenómeno devido à reconversão do estatuto político dos sujeitos, que, vivendo na rua, são reconvertidos de «cidadãos» em «sem-abrigo», levando a que lhes sejam negados direitos de cidadania. O texto olha para esta questão através da experiência de vida na rua de um indivíduo sem-abrigo, interpretada como exemplar do fenómeno.
Homelessness is explainable through a series of processes of reconfiguration of different types of social ties, which leads to a reduction of both the protection and recognition that they, theoretically, guaranteed to individuals. The reconfiguration of the citizenship tie is fundamental for the understanding of homelessness because of the conversion of the political status of subjects, who, living on the street, are converted from «citizens» into «homeless», leading to a negation of citizenship rights. This text looks at this issue through the experience of life on the street of a homeless individual, which is interpreted as an exemplar of homelessness.
Homelessness is explainable through a series of processes of reconfiguration of different types of social ties, which leads to a reduction of both the protection and recognition that they, theoretically, guaranteed to individuals. The reconfiguration of the citizenship tie is fundamental for the understanding of homelessness because of the conversion of the political status of subjects, who, living on the street, are converted from «citizens» into «homeless», leading to a negation of citizenship rights. This text looks at this issue through the experience of life on the street of a homeless individual, which is interpreted as an exemplar of homelessness.
Fenómeno dos sem-abrigo Laço social de cidadania Reconhecimento Sem-abrigo Homelessness Social tie of citizenship Recognition
Aldeia, João (2014), “De “cidadão” a “sem-abrigo”. O laço de cidadania no fenómeno dos sem-abrigo”, Interseções. Revista de estudos interdisciplinares, 16 (2), 229-244.
Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro