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Este trabalho de investigação foi realizado como quesito de conclusão do curso de Mestrado em Administração e Gestão Educacional, tendo como tema uma pesquisa sobre Gestão Democrática na Escola. O estudo foi realizado numa escola estadual da cidade de Vilhena – RO, com o objetivo de discutir como a comunidade escolar compreende a Gestão democrática, que é uma situação relativamente nova no Brasil e mais ainda no estado de Rondônia. No processo de investigação usou-se o método de pesquisa qualitativa, por ser um instrumento que permite que o pesquisador esteja em contato direto com o objeto de observação. Além da observação e das entrevistas realizadas, também foi efetivada uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o assunto Gestão Democrática e sobre a gestão escolar no Brasil, e uma consulta às Leis que determinam e organizam a administração escolar, tanto no Brasil como no estado de Rondônia. O Estudo mostrou que a gestão democrática não é ainda uma pratica implementada de forma profunda na escola estudada, uma vez que os elementos que interferem delegam as responsabilidades nos dois elementos da direção.
This research was carried out as a conclusion issue in the course of the Master in Administration and Educational Management, having as its theme a research on Democratic Management in School. The study was carried out at a state school in the city of Vilhena - RO, in order to discuss how the school community understands democratic management, which is a relatively new situation in Brazil and even more so in the state of Rondônia. In the research process the qualitative research method was used, since it is an instrument that allows the researcher to be in direct contact with the object of observation. In addition to observation and interviews, a bibliographic review was also carried out on the subject of Democratic Management and school management in Brazil, and a consultation of the Laws that determine and organize school administration in both Brazil and the state of Rondônia. The study showed that democratic management is not yet a practice implemented in a profound way in the school studied, since the elements that interfere delegate the responsibilities in the two elements of the direction.
This research was carried out as a conclusion issue in the course of the Master in Administration and Educational Management, having as its theme a research on Democratic Management in School. The study was carried out at a state school in the city of Vilhena - RO, in order to discuss how the school community understands democratic management, which is a relatively new situation in Brazil and even more so in the state of Rondônia. In the research process the qualitative research method was used, since it is an instrument that allows the researcher to be in direct contact with the object of observation. In addition to observation and interviews, a bibliographic review was also carried out on the subject of Democratic Management and school management in Brazil, and a consultation of the Laws that determine and organize school administration in both Brazil and the state of Rondônia. The study showed that democratic management is not yet a practice implemented in a profound way in the school studied, since the elements that interfere delegate the responsibilities in the two elements of the direction.
Liderança Participação Gestão de estabelecimentos de ensino Ensino Estudo de casos Brasil Democratic management Participation Leadership Teaching in the State of Rondônia
Smaniotto, Flavia Teresinha - Gestão democrática na escola : um estudo de caso. Lisboa: [s.n.], 207. 73 p.