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Este trabalho analisa a possibilidade de desenvolvimento de dinâmicas inovadoras no
contexto da construção de um mega-agrupamento de escolas em interação com os
stakeholders da comunidade. Sustentada num quadro de referência assente na teoria dos
sistemas sociais de Niklas Luhmann, mas convocando outros contributos teóricos, esta
investigação põe em evidência que a construção de um novo sistema organizacional
resultante da agregação de dois agrupamentos de escola e uma escola secundária não
agrupada desencadeou processos de produção de mecanismos autopoiéticos, partindo da
marcação de operações de distinção sistema/ambiente em contextos de fechamento operativo
e abertura cognitiva. Simultaneamente, mostrou que a indução da mudança, através de
novidades endógenas ao sistema, pode ser ativadora de novos horizontes de sentido, capazes
de alterar as expetativas e produzir seleções que levam à melhoria do funcionamento do
sistema organizacional com base nas suas próprias referências.
As conclusões apontam, por outro lado, para a ideia de que os processos de mudança não
podem ser completamente planeados, nem concebidos numa perspetiva linear e inteiramente
controlada por dinâmicas promovidas por uma só pessoa ou mesmo por um grupo que
transforma as suas perspetivas numa corrente maioritária, mas que a organização beneficiou
de contributos provenientes de grupos dissidentes que contribuíram para tornar a mudança
num processo de estabilidade dinâmica e recursiva, produzida num contexto de fechamento
operativo e autorreferencial.
Estes resultados foram alcançados com recurso a uma metodologia qualitativa, em que se
realizaram entrevistas aos principais agentes do sistema organizacional em estudo, assim
como dos principais stakeholders, recorrendo-se complementarmente a análise documental
e a notas de campo
This work analyzes the possibility of developing innovative dynamics in the context of building a mega group of schools in interaction with the community's stakeholders. Sustained in a frame of reference based on Niklas Luhmann's theory of social systems, but calling for other theoretical contributions, this investigation highlights that the construction of a new organizational system resulting from the aggregation of two groups of schools and a non-clustered secondary school triggered processes of production of autopoietic mechanisms, starting from the design of operations of system / environment distinction in contexts of operative closure and cognitive opening. At the same time, it showed that the induction of change, through novelties endogenous to the system, can activate new horizons of meaning, capable of changing expectations and producing selections that lead to the improvement of the functioning of the organizational system based on its own references. The conclusions underline, on the other hand, the idea that the processes of change cannot be completely planned, nor conceived in a linear perspective and entirely controlled by dynamics promoted by a single person or even by a group that transforms their perspectives into a majority view, but that the organization benefited from contributions from dissident groups that contributed to turn change into a process of dynamic and recursive stability, produced in a context of operational and self-referential closure. These results were obtained using a qualitative methodology, in which interviews were conducted with the main agents of the organizational system being studied, as well as with the main stakeholders, using complementary document analysis and field notes.
This work analyzes the possibility of developing innovative dynamics in the context of building a mega group of schools in interaction with the community's stakeholders. Sustained in a frame of reference based on Niklas Luhmann's theory of social systems, but calling for other theoretical contributions, this investigation highlights that the construction of a new organizational system resulting from the aggregation of two groups of schools and a non-clustered secondary school triggered processes of production of autopoietic mechanisms, starting from the design of operations of system / environment distinction in contexts of operative closure and cognitive opening. At the same time, it showed that the induction of change, through novelties endogenous to the system, can activate new horizons of meaning, capable of changing expectations and producing selections that lead to the improvement of the functioning of the organizational system based on its own references. The conclusions underline, on the other hand, the idea that the processes of change cannot be completely planned, nor conceived in a linear perspective and entirely controlled by dynamics promoted by a single person or even by a group that transforms their perspectives into a majority view, but that the organization benefited from contributions from dissident groups that contributed to turn change into a process of dynamic and recursive stability, produced in a context of operational and self-referential closure. These results were obtained using a qualitative methodology, in which interviews were conducted with the main agents of the organizational system being studied, as well as with the main stakeholders, using complementary document analysis and field notes.
Escola Agrupamento de escolas Sistema autopoiético Liderança Comunicação Stakeholders Inovação Estudo de casos Autopoietic system Innovation Leadership Communication
Salgueiro, João Esteves - A agregação de escolas e agrupamentos e a possibilidade de inovação e melhoria no sistema organizacional: dinâmicas organizacionais e sistémicas na construção de um agrupamento em interação com os ‘stakeholders’: estudo de caso. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2020. 476 p.