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O nível local tem sido identificado como um fator importante para o sucesso do processo de integração
de migrantes. Esta importância foi reconhecida a nível político, de tal forma que alguns municípios aprovaram planos de integração, embora estes se caracterizem pela quase ausência de menção à situação dos refugiados.
Na sequência do afluxo de refugiados à Europa em 2015 e do processo de recolocação de que Portugal fez parte, seguido agora de um programa de acolhimento de refugiados reinstalados com uma maior dimensão, surgiram, em alguns municípios, planos de integração de refugiados e, noutros casos, a categoria de refugiados emergiu nos planos renovados. O objetivo deste artigo é proceder a uma análise comparada das políticas locais de integração de refugiados desenvolvidas pelos municípios portugueses, averiguando a forma como a categoria de refugiado é incorporada nos planos de integração e em que termos as medidas adotadas incorporam as especificidades associadas à sua integração social. Este estudo é de cariz exploratório e baseia-se em fontes documentais, nomeadamente os planos municipais de integração de imigrantes e refugiados submetidos em 2015-2017, 2018-2020 e 2020-2022.
The local ambit has been identified as an important factor for the success of the migrant integration process. This importance was recognized at the political level, in such a way that some municipalities approved integration plans, although these are characterized by the almost absence of mentions to the situation of refugees. Following the influx of refugees to Europe in 2015 and the relocation process of which Portugal was part, followed by a larger program to host resettled refugees, plans for the integration of refugees emerged in some municipalities and, in other cases, the refugee category emerged in the renewed plans. The purpose of this article s to carry out a comparative analysis of local policies for the integration of refugees developed by Portuguese municipalities, investigating the way in which the refugee category is incorporated into the integration plans and in what terms the adopted measures incorporate the specificities associated with their social integration. This study is exploratory and is based on documentary sources, namely the municipal plans for the integration of immigrants and refugees submitted in 2015-2017, 2018-2020 and 2020-2022.
The local ambit has been identified as an important factor for the success of the migrant integration process. This importance was recognized at the political level, in such a way that some municipalities approved integration plans, although these are characterized by the almost absence of mentions to the situation of refugees. Following the influx of refugees to Europe in 2015 and the relocation process of which Portugal was part, followed by a larger program to host resettled refugees, plans for the integration of refugees emerged in some municipalities and, in other cases, the refugee category emerged in the renewed plans. The purpose of this article s to carry out a comparative analysis of local policies for the integration of refugees developed by Portuguese municipalities, investigating the way in which the refugee category is incorporated into the integration plans and in what terms the adopted measures incorporate the specificities associated with their social integration. This study is exploratory and is based on documentary sources, namely the municipal plans for the integration of immigrants and refugees submitted in 2015-2017, 2018-2020 and 2020-2022.
Refugiados Integração Plano Municipal de Acolhimento Migrações forçadas Nível local Refugees Integration Municipal Reception Plan Forced migrations Local ambit