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A ansiedade e o stress, são fatores que contribuem significativamente para o envelhecimento prematuro da pele, músculos e órgãos, além de afetarem negativamente a memória e a concentração. Esse envelhecimento pode ser mais lento com a ajuda da hipnose clínica, também conhecida como hipnoterapia. Baseando-se na
teoria de Milton Erickson, considerado o pai da hipnose moderna, a hipnose clínica utiliza uma abordagem naturalista, permissiva e indireta. Erickson percebeu que o transe hipnótico é uma experiência multidimensional, variando de pessoa para pessoa, e que cada cliente precisa de uma indução única, capacitando-os a se tornarem os seus próprios indutores. Erickson foi pioneiro na hipnose clínica e fundou importantes instituições como a American Society of Clinical Hypnosis e o American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis. A sua abordagem e técnicas são amplamente utilizadas para melhorar a qualidade de vida, especialmente no contexto do envelhecimento (Melchior, 1998). Diversas variáveis psicológicas são cruciais no controle do envelhecimento, quer a nível físico quer psicológico. A terapia para a mudança de estilo de vida, que inclui a redução do stress e a promoção de hábitos saudáveis, é fundamental para retardar o
envelhecimento. Intervenções que ajudam a prevenir o envelhecimento, melhorar a qualidade de vida e reduzir fatores de risco são extremamente valiosas. A hipnose clínica foi oficialmente reconhecida como uma terapia médica válida pela Associação Médica Americana e pela Associação Médica Canadense em 1958, embora a sua aceitação pelos profissionais de saúde, especialmente em Portugal, ainda esteja em crescimento. Vários estudos demonstram a eficácia da hipnose clínica como parte do tratamento integrativo de várias condições físicas e psicológicas. Vamos apresentar como a hipnose clínica pode promover mudanças de comportamento e estilo de vida e ajudar a controlar o stress e combater o sedentarismo, contribuindo assim para um envelhecimento mais saudável e uma melhor qualidade de vida.
Anxiety and stress are factors that contribute significantly to premature aging of the skin, muscles, and organs, as well as negatively affecting memory and concentration. This aging can be slowed down with the help of clinical hypnosis, also known as hypnotherapy. Based on the theory of Milton Erickson, considered the father of modern hypnosis, clinical hypnosis uses a naturalistic, permissive, and indirect approach. Erickson realized that hypnotic trance is a multidimensional experience, varying from person to person, and that each client needs a unique inducement, empowering them to become their own inducers. Erickson pioneered clinical hypnosis and founded important institutions such as the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis and the American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis. Its approach and techniques are widely used to improve quality of life, especially in the context of aging (Melchior, 1998). Several psychological variables are crucial in controlling aging, both physically and psychologically. Lifestyle change therapy, which includes reducing stress and promoting healthy habits, is key to slowing down aging. Interventions that help prevent aging, improve quality of life, and reduce risk factors are extremely valuable. Clinical hypnosis was officially recognized as a valid medical therapy by the American Medical Association and the Canadian Medical Association in 1958, although its acceptance by health professionals, especially in Portugal, is still growing. Several studies demonstrate the effectiveness of clinical hypnosis as part of the integrative treatment of various physical and psychological conditions. We will present how clinical hypnosis can promote behavior and lifestyle changes and help control stress and combat a sedentary lifestyle, thus contributing to healthier aging and a better quality of life.
Anxiety and stress are factors that contribute significantly to premature aging of the skin, muscles, and organs, as well as negatively affecting memory and concentration. This aging can be slowed down with the help of clinical hypnosis, also known as hypnotherapy. Based on the theory of Milton Erickson, considered the father of modern hypnosis, clinical hypnosis uses a naturalistic, permissive, and indirect approach. Erickson realized that hypnotic trance is a multidimensional experience, varying from person to person, and that each client needs a unique inducement, empowering them to become their own inducers. Erickson pioneered clinical hypnosis and founded important institutions such as the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis and the American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis. Its approach and techniques are widely used to improve quality of life, especially in the context of aging (Melchior, 1998). Several psychological variables are crucial in controlling aging, both physically and psychologically. Lifestyle change therapy, which includes reducing stress and promoting healthy habits, is key to slowing down aging. Interventions that help prevent aging, improve quality of life, and reduce risk factors are extremely valuable. Clinical hypnosis was officially recognized as a valid medical therapy by the American Medical Association and the Canadian Medical Association in 1958, although its acceptance by health professionals, especially in Portugal, is still growing. Several studies demonstrate the effectiveness of clinical hypnosis as part of the integrative treatment of various physical and psychological conditions. We will present how clinical hypnosis can promote behavior and lifestyle changes and help control stress and combat a sedentary lifestyle, thus contributing to healthier aging and a better quality of life.
Hipnose clínica Envelhecimento Comportamento Qualidade de vida Hypnosis Aging Behavior Quality of life
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