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A mudança ocorrida, a partir da utilização das tecnologias de informática e
comunicação, alteraram de forma significativa o modelo até então existente no processo
de ensino-aprendizagem e da gestão do conhecimento a partir da maior utilização do EaD
como novo modelo de aprendizagem, pela mudança no formato pelo qual o estudo passou
a ser feito – de livros, apostilas e cadernos para sites, blogs e pesquisa em link’s e hiperlink’s
da internet. O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é conhecer o Modelo de Desenvolvimento
do Material Didático em EaD adotas nas Universidades Corporativas nas empresas estatais
no Brasil com base no modelo pedagógico proposto por Behar (2009) e de
desenvolvimento de design instrucional desenvolvido por Filatro (2008), face ao desafio de
manter as equipes motivadas e atualizadas em relação aos novos produtos, serviços e
conhecimentos necessários para a sustentabilidade empresaria.
A pesquisa proposta tem como base a abordagem qualitativa, a partir de pesquisa
bibliográfica sobre o assunto, com disponibilização de pesquisa por questionário online
para os coordenadores/gestores das universidades corporativas definidas para
Buscamos conhecer a evolução ocorrida no processo de educação corporativa, da
universidade corporativa e do material didático em EaD, desafios e oportunidades.
A pesquisa procura, além colaborar no desenvolvimento da Educação Corporativa
e da Universidade Corporativa e do desenvolvimento do material didático sob em EaD,
permitir que haja uma maior reflexão quanto a importância deste material como facilitador
do processo de aprendizagem. A principal cooperação deste trabalho está na ampliação do
debate que deve ocorrer quando da tomada de decisão quanto ao material a ser
disponibilizado considerando as questões que envolvem a qualidade dos cursos, objetivos
a serem alcançados, estímulo a continuidade da busca do conhecimento e crescimento
pessoal e profissional.
The change that occurred from the use of computer and communication technologies significantly altered the model that existed so far in the teaching-learning process and knowledge management from the greater use of EaD as a new learning model, by changing the format by which the study began to be done – of books, handouts and notebooks for websites, blogs and search on links and hyperlink's from the internet. The main objective of this research is to know the Model of Development of Didactic Material in EaD adopted in Corporate Universities in state companies in Brazil based on the pedagogical model proposed by Behar (2009) and development of instructional design developed by Filatro (2008), in view of the challenge of keeping teams motivated and updated in relation to new products, services and knowledge necessary for business sustainability. The proposed research is based on the qualitative approach, based on bibliographic research on the subject, with availability of research by online questionnaire to the coordinators / managers of corporate universities defined for completion. We seek to know the evolution that has occurred in the process of corporate education, the corporate university and the teaching material in EaD, challenges and opportunities. The research seeks, in addition to collaborating in the development of Corporate Education and the Corporate University and the development of didactic material under AE, to allow there to be a greater reflection on the importance of this material as a facilitator of the learning process. The main cooperation of this work is in the expansion of the debate that should take place when making decisions regarding the material to be made available considering the issues that involve the quality of the courses, objectives to be achieved, encouraging the continuity of the search for knowledge and personal and professional growth.
The change that occurred from the use of computer and communication technologies significantly altered the model that existed so far in the teaching-learning process and knowledge management from the greater use of EaD as a new learning model, by changing the format by which the study began to be done – of books, handouts and notebooks for websites, blogs and search on links and hyperlink's from the internet. The main objective of this research is to know the Model of Development of Didactic Material in EaD adopted in Corporate Universities in state companies in Brazil based on the pedagogical model proposed by Behar (2009) and development of instructional design developed by Filatro (2008), in view of the challenge of keeping teams motivated and updated in relation to new products, services and knowledge necessary for business sustainability. The proposed research is based on the qualitative approach, based on bibliographic research on the subject, with availability of research by online questionnaire to the coordinators / managers of corporate universities defined for completion. We seek to know the evolution that has occurred in the process of corporate education, the corporate university and the teaching material in EaD, challenges and opportunities. The research seeks, in addition to collaborating in the development of Corporate Education and the Corporate University and the development of didactic material under AE, to allow there to be a greater reflection on the importance of this material as a facilitator of the learning process. The main cooperation of this work is in the expansion of the debate that should take place when making decisions regarding the material to be made available considering the issues that involve the quality of the courses, objectives to be achieved, encouraging the continuity of the search for knowledge and personal and professional growth.
Educação a distância Universidade Corporativa Material didático em EaD Ensino superior Brasil Distance education Corporate University Teaching material in EaD Higher education
Naime, Eduardo Harb - Gestão em educação a distância [Em linha]: desenvolvimento do material didático em ensino a distância numa universidade corporativa. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2022. 124 p.