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O objetivo deste artigo Ă© identificar e discutir a evolução impulsionada pelo uso das tecnologias digitais na performance musical instrumental. Limitamos o foco Ă performance musical de instrumentos identificados como pertencentes Ă famĂlia orquestral da tradição ocidental, de modo a auferir as repercussĂ”es, quer na performance, quer no instrumentista e considerando trĂȘs aspetos chave da mĂ©dia-arte digital: interatividade, aleatoriedade controlada, e virtualidade. Por um lado, a junção destas duas ĂĄreas - mĂ©dia-arte digital e a performance musical instrumental - proporciona a aquisição de caraterĂsticas digitais aos instrumentos tradicionais e Ă sua performance, fornecendo novos caminhos interativos e iterativos. Por outro lado, a mesma junção, favorece tambĂ©m um nĂvel de performance Ășnico devido ao elevado nĂvel de especialização dos instrumentistas, possibilitando que a obra seja singular e irrepetĂvel. Tudo isto conduz a uma evolução da notação musical, a uma criação de novas tĂ©cnicas instrumentais e performativas, novos conceitos, uma ampliação multidisciplinar do papel dos instrumentistas e uma evolução na relação da mĂ©dia-arte digital com a mĂșsica instrumental. No que concerne Ă estrutura, o artigo realiza primeiramente uma definição sobre ambas as ĂĄreas abordadas e posteriormente desenvolve os trĂȘs aspetos mencionados com a adição da generatividade como aspeto inerente, identificando as diversas formas em como estas caracterĂsticas artĂsticas se vĂŁo relacionando e evoluindo, assim como a sua repercussĂŁo na performance musical instrumental.
The aim of this article is to identify and discuss the evolution fostered by the use of digital technologies in the instrumental music performance. We limit the focus to the musical performance of instruments identified as belonging to the orchestral family of Western tradition, in order to measure the repercussions on both the performance and the instrumentalist and considering three key aspects of new media art: interactivity, controlled randomness, and virtuality. On one hand, the junction of these two areas - new media art and instrumental music performance - enables the acquisition of digital characteristics to the traditional instruments and to their performance, providing new interactive and iterative paths. On the other hand, the same junction also leads to a unique level of performance due to the high level of instrumentalists' expertise, allowing the work to be singular and unrepeatable. All this leads to an evolution of musical notation, the creation of new instrumental and performance techniques, new concepts, a multidisciplinary broadening of the instrumentalists' role and an evolution in the relationship between new media art and instrumental music. Regarding the structure, the article firstly presents a definition of both areas, and then develops the three aspects mentioned with the addition of the generativity as an inherent aspect, identifying the different manners in which these artistic characteristics are related and evolved, as well as their repercussion in the instrumental music performance.
The aim of this article is to identify and discuss the evolution fostered by the use of digital technologies in the instrumental music performance. We limit the focus to the musical performance of instruments identified as belonging to the orchestral family of Western tradition, in order to measure the repercussions on both the performance and the instrumentalist and considering three key aspects of new media art: interactivity, controlled randomness, and virtuality. On one hand, the junction of these two areas - new media art and instrumental music performance - enables the acquisition of digital characteristics to the traditional instruments and to their performance, providing new interactive and iterative paths. On the other hand, the same junction also leads to a unique level of performance due to the high level of instrumentalists' expertise, allowing the work to be singular and unrepeatable. All this leads to an evolution of musical notation, the creation of new instrumental and performance techniques, new concepts, a multidisciplinary broadening of the instrumentalists' role and an evolution in the relationship between new media art and instrumental music. Regarding the structure, the article firstly presents a definition of both areas, and then develops the three aspects mentioned with the addition of the generativity as an inherent aspect, identifying the different manners in which these artistic characteristics are related and evolved, as well as their repercussion in the instrumental music performance.
Technology and culture Aleatoriedade Interatividade Instrumentista Generatividade Virtualidade
Travasso, R., Veiga, P.A., Gomes, J.A. (2022). A InfluĂȘncia da MĂ©dia-Arte Digital no Instrumentista e na Performance. In Proceedings of ARTeFACTo 2022, Emerging Extended Realities, Macao, China.