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O cinema é palco para manifestação de representações sociais dos realizadores e espectadores. O espectador ativo faz escolhas, combina e reinventa as imagens referentes à alimentação carregadas de representações sociais e recorre a estas para compreender as situações que o despertam, para tomar atitudes e emitir opiniões. O objetivo desse estudo é levantar e analisar as representações sociais dos espectadores de cinema referentes à alimentação retratada em filmes. Utilizou-se o Google Forms para levantar no Facebook o depoimento das pessoas que gostam de cinema sobre a alimentação retratada nesse meio comunicacional e artístico. As respostas sobre o filme mais citado foram interpretadas pela análise de conteúdo, utilizando-se a teoria das representações sociais como referencial teórico. A amostra constitui-se por 35 participantes, sendo 89,9% mulheres e 11,1% homens. Os filmes que vieram à mente dessas pessoas foram 16 e o mais citado foi Festa de Babette (26,47%). Duas categorias foram levantadas: preparar o alimento e servir o alimento. Na Festa de Babette o alimento entra primeiramente com restrição, adequado à pequena aldeia, refletindo os parâmetros conservadores e religiosos das duas irmãs, sendo somente uma fonte de alimentação. A representação social das pessoas que gostam do cinema sobre alimentação emerge quando o alimento é transformado em comida apetitosa e saborosa.
The cinema is the stage for the manifestation of social representations of the directors and spectators. The active viewer makes choices, combines and reinvents the images related to food loaded with social representations and uses them to understand the situations that awaken him, to take action and express opinions. The aim of this study is to survey and analyze the social representations of cinema viewers regarding the food portrayed in films. Google Forms was used to raise on Facebook the testimony of people who like movies about the food portrayed in this art. The answers about the most cited film were interpreted by content analysis, using the theory of social representations as a theoretical framework. The sample consists of 35 participants, 89.9% women and 11.1% men. The films that came to their minds were 16 and the most cited was Babette's Party (26.47%). Two categories were raised: preparing food and serving food. At Babette's Feast, food first comes with restriction, suitable for the small village, reflecting the conservative and religious parameters of the two sisters, being only a source of food. The social representation of people who enjoy food cinema emerges when food is transformed into tasty and tasty food.
The cinema is the stage for the manifestation of social representations of the directors and spectators. The active viewer makes choices, combines and reinvents the images related to food loaded with social representations and uses them to understand the situations that awaken him, to take action and express opinions. The aim of this study is to survey and analyze the social representations of cinema viewers regarding the food portrayed in films. Google Forms was used to raise on Facebook the testimony of people who like movies about the food portrayed in this art. The answers about the most cited film were interpreted by content analysis, using the theory of social representations as a theoretical framework. The sample consists of 35 participants, 89.9% women and 11.1% men. The films that came to their minds were 16 and the most cited was Babette's Party (26.47%). Two categories were raised: preparing food and serving food. At Babette's Feast, food first comes with restriction, suitable for the small village, reflecting the conservative and religious parameters of the two sisters, being only a source of food. The social representation of people who enjoy food cinema emerges when food is transformed into tasty and tasty food.
Representações sociais Cinema Alimentação Gastronomia Cultura Social representations Cinema Food Gastronomy Culture
Amorim, Maria Marta Amancio; Santiago, Maria Cristina & Ramos, Maria Natália Pereira (2020). Representações sociais da alimentação retratadas no cinema. /Social representations of food pictured in the cinema. Revista Pasajes, n. 10 : 59-74, UNAM, México
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México