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O estudo aqui empreendido constitui uma abordagem das categorias narrativas do espaço, tempo e personagens, bem como do tratamento a que são sujeitas, enquanto elementos representativos da realidade observada, no primeiro romance de Eça de
Partindo de uma reflexão acerca das estratégias e mecanismos técnico-discursivos por meio dos quais o escritor realista intenta expressar o real, estabelecem-se os processos adoptados por Eça de Queirós para traçar, n’ O Crime do Padre Amaro, uma recriação coerente e credível da realidade, suscitando no leitor a ilusão de que o ficcionado corresponde ao real.
Ao longo do presente trabalho, é concedido privilégio à análise do protótipo textual descritivo, ainda que se atente também no modo como foram reequacionadas outras estratégias narratológicas seleccionadas por Eça de Queirós para conferir um efeito de verosimilhança a O Crime do Padre Amaro.
This work constitutes an approach to the narrative categories of space, time and characters as representative elements of the perceived reality in Eça de Queirós’ first novel. From the reflection upon the strategies and technical and discoursing means through which the realistic writer intends to express reality, one establishes the strategies Eça de Queirós outlined in order to compose, in The Crime of Father Amaro, a cohesive and credible reconstruction of reality, rousing in the reader the illusion that fiction matches reality. Along the present work, the analysis of the descriptive text-type is privileged. However, other narratological strategies have been considered and studied since they were also selected by Eça de Queirós to bestow an effect of verisimilitude upon The Crime of Father Amaro.
This work constitutes an approach to the narrative categories of space, time and characters as representative elements of the perceived reality in Eça de Queirós’ first novel. From the reflection upon the strategies and technical and discoursing means through which the realistic writer intends to express reality, one establishes the strategies Eça de Queirós outlined in order to compose, in The Crime of Father Amaro, a cohesive and credible reconstruction of reality, rousing in the reader the illusion that fiction matches reality. Along the present work, the analysis of the descriptive text-type is privileged. However, other narratological strategies have been considered and studied since they were also selected by Eça de Queirós to bestow an effect of verisimilitude upon The Crime of Father Amaro.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Estudos Portugueses Multidisciplinares apresentada à Universidade Aberta
Queirós, Eça de, 1845-1900 Literatura portuguesa Realismo Naturalismo Reality Verisimilitude Realism and naturalism Description Eça de Queirós The Crime of Father Amaro
Gaspar, Isabel Maria Ferreira da Silva - À sombra da velha Sé [Em linha] : o processo descritivo e a representação do real em O crime do Padre Amaro. Lisboa : [s.n.], 2010. 137 p.