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A utilização das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) por parte dos seniores tem vindo a verificar-se, sendo as universidades seniores um meio através do qual esta população pode iniciar a utilização das mesmas, adquirindo competências tecnológicas, ou colmatar necessidades relacionadas com a sua utilização. No presente trabalho pretende-se analisar o uso das TIC por parte de pessoas idosas que frequentam duas Universidades Seniores no concelho de Almada durante o ano letivo de 2017/2018. Pretende-se ainda investigar quais as aplicações e equipamentos tecnológicos mais utilizadas, quais as suas dificuldades e receios na utilização das TIC e de que forma estas contribuíram para a melhoria do bem-estar diário do sénior. Trata-se de um Estudo de Caso de caráter exploratório e descritivo, através de um estudo de levantamento de natureza qualitativa. Os métodos de recolha de dados foram a aplicação de um inquérito aos sessenta e sete discentes frequentadores da disciplina de Informática e entrevistas aos diretores das UTI em estudo e ao docente da disciplina. Os dados obtidos foram analisados qualitativamente. Este estudo serviu para perceber quais as opiniões, motivações e dificuldades dos seniores na utilização das TIC e consequentemente de que forma conseguem colmatar essas dificuldades. Esta investigação permitiu apurar que os seniores procuram obter maior conhecimento ao nível das tecnologias, desta forma sentem-se mais autónomos e confiantes na utilização da internet, aplicação que mais utilizam pela vasta informação que dispõe, aprenderam outras formas de comunicação entre os familiares e amigos através do email e das redes sociais, consequentemente a diminuição da solidão, o aumento da autoestima, e, cumulativamente, aumenta a qualidade de vida dos seniores.
The elderly have been learning to navigate a world where The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are fundamental. The Universidades Seniores – teaching facilities for senior citizens – have played a decisive role in this process, since they have provided this population with tools and opportunities that match their abilities and needs. This dissertation aims at understanding how two groups of senior citizens that attend two distinct Universidades Seniores in the City Council of Almada are using the technological tools and equipment in the present school year, 2017-2018. Moreover, one of the goals of this study is to identify both the main difficulties of the elderly regarding the ICTs and the benefits drawn from its use. This dissertation is an exploratory and descriptive Case Study. To undertake it quantitative and qualitative research methods were used: 67 students of the Computer Science class answered a questionnaire, and both the teacher of this class and the deans of the two facilities were interviewed. This study shows that the elderly, despite their background, look forward to learning more about the ICTs, in order to become more independent users of the internet, a tool they are now using more and more in their daily lives. They are email and social media users, communication channels that allow them to overcome loneliness, low self-esteem, thus increasing their quality of life.
The elderly have been learning to navigate a world where The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are fundamental. The Universidades Seniores – teaching facilities for senior citizens – have played a decisive role in this process, since they have provided this population with tools and opportunities that match their abilities and needs. This dissertation aims at understanding how two groups of senior citizens that attend two distinct Universidades Seniores in the City Council of Almada are using the technological tools and equipment in the present school year, 2017-2018. Moreover, one of the goals of this study is to identify both the main difficulties of the elderly regarding the ICTs and the benefits drawn from its use. This dissertation is an exploratory and descriptive Case Study. To undertake it quantitative and qualitative research methods were used: 67 students of the Computer Science class answered a questionnaire, and both the teacher of this class and the deans of the two facilities were interviewed. This study shows that the elderly, despite their background, look forward to learning more about the ICTs, in order to become more independent users of the internet, a tool they are now using more and more in their daily lives. They are email and social media users, communication channels that allow them to overcome loneliness, low self-esteem, thus increasing their quality of life.
Tecnologia da informação e comunicação Universidades séniores Inclusão digital Pessoas idosas Aprendizagem ao longo da vida 2017-2018 Estudo de casos Almada Digital inclusion Elderly Healthy and active aging ICT