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As tecnologias de informação e comunicação, qual alquimia da modernidade, estão presentes de forma indelével e transversal a toda atividade humana, estranho seria pois que não estivessem na escola. A legislação portuguesa impõe aos educadores de infância e professores dos ensinos básico e secundário formação contínua cíclica como condição para progressão na carreira. Tal imposição, aliada à necessidade de formação em TIC, em particular sobre a plataforma Moodle, disponibilizada na quase totalidade das escolas portuguesas, e sentida pelos professores, faz com que proliferem as ações de formação sobre essa plataforma. Neste artigo, retratam-se os efeitos práticos de uma dessas ações, a partir da análise de dados recolhidos através de inquérito por questionário, onde as principais conclusões são a pouco significante relevância que os professores atribuem ao uso da Moodle enquanto plataforma de gestão de aprendizagem e que, com ou sem formação específica, a maioria apenas a usa para aceder à informação emanada das lideranças de topo e intermédias das escolas.
The information and communication technologies, as the modern alchemy, are present in all human activity, so it would be very strange if they were not also present in education. The Portuguese legislation sets as compulsory some cyclical and regular training as a condition to career progression to all the teachers, not only nursery teachers but also secondary teachers. This obligation connected with the need felt by the teachers for training in ICTs, in particular in Moodle learning platform, available in almost all Portuguese schools, leads to the widespread of training in this subject. In this article, we portray the practical effects of one of those training through the analysis of data gathered by survey questionnaire. The main conclusions to be drawn are the little significance that teachers attribute to the use of Moodle as a learning platform and that, with or without specific training, most of the teachers only use it to access information sent by the high-level or middle-level leaderships of the schools.
The information and communication technologies, as the modern alchemy, are present in all human activity, so it would be very strange if they were not also present in education. The Portuguese legislation sets as compulsory some cyclical and regular training as a condition to career progression to all the teachers, not only nursery teachers but also secondary teachers. This obligation connected with the need felt by the teachers for training in ICTs, in particular in Moodle learning platform, available in almost all Portuguese schools, leads to the widespread of training in this subject. In this article, we portray the practical effects of one of those training through the analysis of data gathered by survey questionnaire. The main conclusions to be drawn are the little significance that teachers attribute to the use of Moodle as a learning platform and that, with or without specific training, most of the teachers only use it to access information sent by the high-level or middle-level leaderships of the schools.
Formação contínua de professores Moodle TIC Professores Continuous teacher training ICTs Teachers
Santos, José Rui; Gaspar, Ivone - Formação em MOODLE de professores de uma escola básica portuguesa: que efeitos na sua prática docente? "RENOTE - Revista Novas Tecnologias na Educação" [Em linha]. ISSN 1679-1916. Vol. 12, nº 2 (2014), 11 p.
Centro Interdisciplinar de Novas Tecnologias na Educação (CINTED) - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)