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Desenvolvo uma reflexão sobre o trabalho desenvolvido a distância, e online, em 2020 com o Coro Mozart. Pretendo: refletir sobre orientações metodológicas e princípios programáticos que, nesse contexto, devem estar subjacentes a um grupo coral; mostrar como se pode abordar online o trabalho artístico, recorrendo a diversas ferramentas tecnológicas para que se consiga, a distância, e online, realizar atividades que revelem os valores humanos mais essenciais; demonstrar as potencialidades pedagógicas de ferramentas digitais de comunicação e cooperação síncrona e assíncrona que potenciam positivamente o team meeting e o trabalho em conjunto a distância, e online; demonstrar, no contexto do ensino e do trabalho a distância, as competências tecnológicas dos coralistas para realizar tarefas a atividades com impacto emocional.
I will reflect on the work developed at a distance, and online, in 2020, with the Choir Mozart. I intend to: reflect on methodological guidelines and programmatic principles that, in this context, must underlie a choral group; to show how artistic work can be approached online, using various technological tools so that it is possible, at a distance, and online, to perform activities that reveal the most essential human values; demonstrate the pedagogical potential of digital tools for synchronous and asynchronous communication and cooperation that positively enhance the team meeting and working together at a distance, and online; demonstrate, in the context of teaching and distance work, the technological skills of choristers to perform tasks and activities with an emotional impact.
I will reflect on the work developed at a distance, and online, in 2020, with the Choir Mozart. I intend to: reflect on methodological guidelines and programmatic principles that, in this context, must underlie a choral group; to show how artistic work can be approached online, using various technological tools so that it is possible, at a distance, and online, to perform activities that reveal the most essential human values; demonstrate the pedagogical potential of digital tools for synchronous and asynchronous communication and cooperation that positively enhance the team meeting and working together at a distance, and online; demonstrate, in the context of teaching and distance work, the technological skills of choristers to perform tasks and activities with an emotional impact.
E-learning Educação a distância (EaD) Ferramentas digitais Ferramentas tecnológicas Criatividade Grupo Coral Distance education Choral Group Technological and digital tools Creativity