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As lideranças assumem-se fulcrais para o desenvolvimento das instituições,
mormente no contexto educacional, sendo que o papel do líder formal é determinante
para o alcance dos propósitos institucionais, subsumindo que o referido líder terá,
efetivamente, a capacidade de influenciar os liderados para tais fins. A nossa
pesquisa substanciou-se no tema: “As Lideranças na promoção da Inovação
Tecnológica no contexto da formação superior: o caso da Universidade Politécnica em
Moçambique”, onde se objetiva identificar, analisar e caracterizar as ações
desenvolvidas na referida universidade, especialmente do foco estratégico delineado
pelas lideranças no âmbito da formação, tendo em conta, igualmente, a legislação e
as políticas definidas pelo governo moçambicano atinentes à matéria.
A partir de um referencial teórico assente nos seguintes eixos temáticos, (i) Liderança
e (ii) Inovação e Tecnologias, são desenvolvidas diferentes perspetivas de análise,
cujo relacionamento e articulação permitem conferir a questão e os objetivos do
estudo. A abordagem metodológica assenta num estudo de caso intrínseco, de cunho
qualitativo, recorrendo-se a entrevistas semiestruturadas como técnica de recolha de
dados a diversos líderes da instituição.
O estudo conclui que os fundamentos e visões da liderança e da inovação estão
presentes nos documentos orientadores d`A POLITÉCNICA destacando-se, para o
efeito, os Estatutos da Universidade e o Plano de Desenvolvimento Institucional (PDI)
para o período 2017-2024. Constata-se que os entrevistados conferem no geral, a
adoção de lideranças gestionárias e compartilhadas destacando-se, na perspetiva da
terminologia de Kouzes e Posner, as práticas “mostrar o caminho”, “Inspirar uma visão
conjunta” e “encorajar a vontade”. O estudo eleva, igualmente, o foco para a liderança
transformacional e o direcionamento assumido para a liderança híbrida, em que a
tecnologia, ainda num estágio de desenvolvimento embrionário, é assumida como
elemento fundamental para a promoção da inovação e, consequentemente, base para
as mudanças que se impõem nos processos educativos.
The leaders are assumed to be central to the development of institutions, especially in the educational context, and the role of the formal leader is relevant to the achievement of institutional purposes, considering the leader will have the ability to influence the led to such purposes. The research project proposed will substantiate the theme: "The leaders in promoting technological innovation in the context of higher education: the case of the Polytechnic University in Mozambique", where the objective is to identify, analyze and characterize the actions taken at the university, especially the strategic focus outlined by leaders in the field of training, also taking into account the laws and policies established by the Mozambican government pertaining to the matter. From a theoretical framework based on the following themes: (i) leadership; (ii) innovation and technologies, different perspectives of analysis will be developed, whose relationship and articulation will check the matter and aims of the study. The methodological approach is based on an intrinsic case study, fundamentally of qualitative nature, making use of semi-structured interviews as data collection techniques, and the treatment of these data, fundamentally, determined through content analysis. The study concludes that the foundations and visions of leadership and innovation are present in the guiding documents of the Polytechnic University, highlighting for this purpose the University Statutes and the Institutional Development Plan (IDP) for the period 2017-2024. It was noted that the interviewees generally conferred the adoption of management and shared leaderships, with the emphasis, from the point of view of the terminology of Kouzes and Posner, on the practices of "showing the way", "inspiring a joint vision" and "encouraging the will". The study also raises the focus to transformational leadership and the direction taken to hybrid leadership, where technology, still at a stage of embryonic development, is assumed as a fundamental element for the promotion of innovation and, consequently, as a basis for the changes needed in educational processes.
The leaders are assumed to be central to the development of institutions, especially in the educational context, and the role of the formal leader is relevant to the achievement of institutional purposes, considering the leader will have the ability to influence the led to such purposes. The research project proposed will substantiate the theme: "The leaders in promoting technological innovation in the context of higher education: the case of the Polytechnic University in Mozambique", where the objective is to identify, analyze and characterize the actions taken at the university, especially the strategic focus outlined by leaders in the field of training, also taking into account the laws and policies established by the Mozambican government pertaining to the matter. From a theoretical framework based on the following themes: (i) leadership; (ii) innovation and technologies, different perspectives of analysis will be developed, whose relationship and articulation will check the matter and aims of the study. The methodological approach is based on an intrinsic case study, fundamentally of qualitative nature, making use of semi-structured interviews as data collection techniques, and the treatment of these data, fundamentally, determined through content analysis. The study concludes that the foundations and visions of leadership and innovation are present in the guiding documents of the Polytechnic University, highlighting for this purpose the University Statutes and the Institutional Development Plan (IDP) for the period 2017-2024. It was noted that the interviewees generally conferred the adoption of management and shared leaderships, with the emphasis, from the point of view of the terminology of Kouzes and Posner, on the practices of "showing the way", "inspiring a joint vision" and "encouraging the will". The study also raises the focus to transformational leadership and the direction taken to hybrid leadership, where technology, still at a stage of embryonic development, is assumed as a fundamental element for the promotion of innovation and, consequently, as a basis for the changes needed in educational processes.
Liderança Tecnologia Inovação Ensino superior Universidade Politécnica Moçambique Leadership Technology Innovation Higher education Polytechnic University Mozambique
Khan, Nazir - As lideranças na promoção da inovação tecnológica no contexto do ensino superior Em linha]: o caso da Universidade Politécnica, em Moçambique. Lisboa: 2021. 2 vols.