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A presente investigação visa analisar as perspetivas de uma comunidade de utilizadores sobre o papel mediador dos jogos locativos digitais no contacto com a natureza. Este estudo foi desenvolvido no contexto do destacamento militar dos Estados Unidos da América em Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, sendo mais concretamente integrado no âmbito do programa de atividades recreativas denominado Outdoor Recreation. O público-alvo é uma comunidade militar no ativo e na reserva, seus familiares diretos e pessoal civil com acesso à instalação, independentemente da idade. Na base desta escolha temática assenta a necessidade de criar um jogo locativo digital capaz de promover aprendizagens ubíquas no contacto com a natureza, através do uso das tecnologias móveis. Neste sentido, prosseguimos à formulação da questão que norteia este trabalho: Como podem os media locativos digitais promover o ócio e, particularmente, o contacto com a natureza? No seguimento desta questão,
pretendemos atingir os seguintes objetivos: a) desenvolver um programa de geolocalização mediado por media locativos digitais; b) analisar de que forma o recurso às tecnologias digitais móveis contribui para o desenvolvimento de atividades ao ar livre e consequente reaproximação à natureza; c) explorar as potencialidades dos jogos locativos digitais na aprendizagem ubíqua; d) analisar as experiências e conhecer as perspetivas dos utilizadores do programa.
A nível de orientação metodológica, apresentamos um Estudo de Caso orientado pelos
princípios do Design-Based Research com recurso a uma metodologia predominantemente qualitativa, pretendendo-se estudar as perspetivas dos utilizadores sobre o uso do jogo locativo baseado na atividade de Geocaching no contexto de uma base militar. Através da implementação de um programa protótipo de geolocalização criado para este propósito pretendemos compreender o papel mediador dos meios locativos para a promoção do contacto com a natureza, numa perspetiva de desenvolvimento humano.
The purpose of this study is to examine in which ways locative media can impact the outdoor experience for human development in a community. This study was conducted at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in New Jersey as part of a program developed by the 87th Force Support Squadrons’ Outdoor Recreation Office, with a target group that included all Active Duty, Reserve and immediate family members, retired personnel and civilians with base access, regardless of the age group. This idea emerged from the need to develop a game capable of harnessing digital technology for worthwhile and life-changing nature experiences in an attempt to find a balance between both worlds. That being said, we developed the following research question to establish the parameters of our study: “In which ways can locative media and technology promote outdoor activity and contact with nature?” To find answers to the main research statement, we also established a series of objectives to steer us in the right direction. Therefore, this study aims to a) develop a geolocation pilot program to promote contact with nature through locative media; b) evaluate in which ways the use of technology can enhance outdoor activities for human development and subsequent proximity to nature; c) recognize the potential of locative media gaming for ubiquitous learning, and d) examine experiences in order to identify gamers’ perceptions. Due to the nature of this study, we carried out a Case Study based on the Design-Based Research method targeting a specific group of individuals at a US military base. The methods used in this study can be identified by a research design, which present components that are predominantly qualitative. By implementing a geolocation pilot program our goal is to better understand the role of the digital and locative media as an intermediary in promoting and enhancing nature leisure for human development.
The purpose of this study is to examine in which ways locative media can impact the outdoor experience for human development in a community. This study was conducted at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in New Jersey as part of a program developed by the 87th Force Support Squadrons’ Outdoor Recreation Office, with a target group that included all Active Duty, Reserve and immediate family members, retired personnel and civilians with base access, regardless of the age group. This idea emerged from the need to develop a game capable of harnessing digital technology for worthwhile and life-changing nature experiences in an attempt to find a balance between both worlds. That being said, we developed the following research question to establish the parameters of our study: “In which ways can locative media and technology promote outdoor activity and contact with nature?” To find answers to the main research statement, we also established a series of objectives to steer us in the right direction. Therefore, this study aims to a) develop a geolocation pilot program to promote contact with nature through locative media; b) evaluate in which ways the use of technology can enhance outdoor activities for human development and subsequent proximity to nature; c) recognize the potential of locative media gaming for ubiquitous learning, and d) examine experiences in order to identify gamers’ perceptions. Due to the nature of this study, we carried out a Case Study based on the Design-Based Research method targeting a specific group of individuals at a US military base. The methods used in this study can be identified by a research design, which present components that are predominantly qualitative. By implementing a geolocation pilot program our goal is to better understand the role of the digital and locative media as an intermediary in promoting and enhancing nature leisure for human development.
Base militar Media locativos digitais Jogos locativos digitais Ócio Natureza Dispositivos móveis Geolocalização Estudo de casos Leisure Nature Geolocation Locative media Gaming
Jenkins, Anabela Pimentel da Silva - Media locativos digitais como instrumentos mediadores do contacto com a natureza [Em linha]: estudo de caso sobre a aplicação de um programa de geolocalização. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2020. 151 p.