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O confinamento de enseadas ou baías através do
crescimento de restingas arenosas resulta, habitualmente,
na formação de sistemas lagunares paralelos à linha de
costa. Tais ecossistemas, embora protegidos da incidência
direta da agitação marítima, encontram-se em comunicação
com o oceano e podem ser propícios para a produção de sal
marinho quando localizados em médias e baixas latitudes.
Tal evolução geomorfológica originou os sistemas
lagunares analisados neste estudo: o de Aveiro, situado em
Portugal, e o de Araruama, situado no Brasil. Em ambos, a
exploração de sal marinho foi um dos principais vetores
econômicos das populações alocadas no seu entorno. Este
estudo pretende analisar comparativamente fatores que
induziram a morfodinâmica nessas lagunas e para o
progresso da salicultura nos ecossistemas em análise.
Assim, teremos como mote o desenvolvimento dessa
atividade econômica, bem como, as formas e os ritmos da
exploração do sal. Evidencia-se neste estudo que apesar das
diferenças quanto à localização geográfica, cronologias e
formas de desenvolvimento geomorfológico dessas lagunas
e dos ritmos de crescimento da exploração de sal, existem
similitudes entre si. Em ambos os ecossistemas, a
salicultura entra em decadência a partir da segunda metade
do século XX, surgindo outras formas de aproveitamento
das salinas, nem sempre ecologicamente sustentáveis.
Procura-se, assim, evidenciar que apesar das diferenças
entre os sistemas-alvo, os modelos de antropização nas
áreas das salinas repercutiram e redundaram em problemas
socioambientais semelhantes.
The confinement of inlet or bays, through the growth of sandy-spits, usually results in the formation of lagoons parallel to the coastline. These ecosystems protected against direct incidence of sea disturbance, when located in media and low latitudes and in communication with the ocean, can become areas of sea salt production. The lagoons considered in this study (Aveiro, in the west coast of Portugal and Araruama in Brazil) had their origin through the aforementioned geomorphological evolution and exhibited several characteristics leading to sea salt production. In fact, its exploitation was one of the main economic vectors for the surrounding populations in both case studies that analyze comparatively the factors inducing their morphodynamic modifications and the progress of salt production in these ecosystems. Therefore, the development of this economic activity will be analyzed, as well as the forms and rhythms of salt exploitation. Despite the differences regarding the geographic location, the chronologies and forms of lagoons geomorphological development and the growth rates of salt exploration, there are similarities. In both, salt culture decayed from the second half of the twentieth century onwards, emerging other uses, not always ecologically sustainable, to the salinas. Hence, despite differences between systems, the models of anthropization in their salinas have similar repercussions promoting analogous socioenvironmental problems.
The confinement of inlet or bays, through the growth of sandy-spits, usually results in the formation of lagoons parallel to the coastline. These ecosystems protected against direct incidence of sea disturbance, when located in media and low latitudes and in communication with the ocean, can become areas of sea salt production. The lagoons considered in this study (Aveiro, in the west coast of Portugal and Araruama in Brazil) had their origin through the aforementioned geomorphological evolution and exhibited several characteristics leading to sea salt production. In fact, its exploitation was one of the main economic vectors for the surrounding populations in both case studies that analyze comparatively the factors inducing their morphodynamic modifications and the progress of salt production in these ecosystems. Therefore, the development of this economic activity will be analyzed, as well as the forms and rhythms of salt exploitation. Despite the differences regarding the geographic location, the chronologies and forms of lagoons geomorphological development and the growth rates of salt exploration, there are similarities. In both, salt culture decayed from the second half of the twentieth century onwards, emerging other uses, not always ecologically sustainable, to the salinas. Hence, despite differences between systems, the models of anthropization in their salinas have similar repercussions promoting analogous socioenvironmental problems.
Zonas costeiras Sistemas lagunares Recursos marinhos Salicultura Coastal areas Lagoonal systems Marine resources Salt culture