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O estudo que se apresenta neste documento foi concebido e concretizado graças ao
trabalho colaborativo entre a docente de Português do 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, os seus
alunos do 9ºF, e a Biblioteca Escolar do Agrupamento de Escolas Soares Basto, em
Oliveira de Azeméis, distrito de Aveiro.
Este estudo visa demonstrar o contributo da Biblioteca Escolar na melhoria da
qualidade de sucesso dos alunos, nomeadamente no desenvolvimento da Literacia da
Informação aliada às Metas Curriculares da disciplina de Português para o 3º Ciclo do
Ensino Básico, no domínio da oralidade.
Ao longo deste documento serão objetivados um conjunto de procedimentos
desenvolvidos para o projeto “Prontos para Falar”, mais precisamente a sua planificação,
operacionalização e avaliação, seguida de uma reflexão dos alunos, por um lado e da
docente e Professora Bibliotecária, Paula Sousa, por outro.
Este projeto cuja metodologia decorreu da investigação-ação visa demonstrar o
grau de sucesso educativo dele decorrente, assim como os pontos / aspetos a trabalhar
futuramente com vista à sua melhoria e implementação no Agrupamento.
Paralelamente, este projeto foi o ponto de partida para que, no futuro, todo o
Agrupamento possa usar os materiais construídos e estes possam estar disponíveis a toda
a comunidade educativa. O projeto “Prontos para falar” originou resultados bastante
positivos, embora alguns aspetos tenham ficaram por aferir.
Uma vez mais ficou demonstrado que a Biblioteca Escolar é uma mais-valia para
todo o processo ensino-aprendizagem e que é necessário um trabalho bastante
colaborativo e articulado de docentes e equipa da BE para a concretização de
determinadas metas e objetivos.
The study presented in this document was conceived and implemented thanks to the collaborative work between the Portuguese teacher, her students from year 9, class F, and the library at the Agrupamento de Escolas Soares Basto, in Oliveira de Azeméis, in the district of Aveiro. This document aims to demonstrate how the school library contributed to improving the quality of the success achieved by the students, mainly regarding the development of Informational Literacy skills, along with the curriculum for the 9th grade, especially in oral communication. Throughout this document, a group of methodological procedures will be put into practice and developed for the project “Prontos para Falar!” (“Ready to Speak”), which include planning, operationalization and evaluation, followed by some reflexion made both by the students, on one hand, and by the teacher and librarian teacher, on the other hand. This project work, which followed the Investigation-Action Methodology, aims to show the degree of educational success which resulted from it, as well as the items and aspects to be developed in the future, while aiming for further improvement and implementation in this specific school. At the same time, this project work was the starting point, so that, in the future, all its resources may be used by all the educational community, consolidating its implementation. The project work “Prontos para Falar” (“Ready to Speak”) resulted in very positive outcomes even though some aspects lacked further admeasurements. Once again it will be proved that the school library stands as an added value in the entire teaching- learning process and that a very strong collaborative and articulated work is required between teachers and the school library team for the achievement of certain goals and objectives.
The study presented in this document was conceived and implemented thanks to the collaborative work between the Portuguese teacher, her students from year 9, class F, and the library at the Agrupamento de Escolas Soares Basto, in Oliveira de Azeméis, in the district of Aveiro. This document aims to demonstrate how the school library contributed to improving the quality of the success achieved by the students, mainly regarding the development of Informational Literacy skills, along with the curriculum for the 9th grade, especially in oral communication. Throughout this document, a group of methodological procedures will be put into practice and developed for the project “Prontos para Falar!” (“Ready to Speak”), which include planning, operationalization and evaluation, followed by some reflexion made both by the students, on one hand, and by the teacher and librarian teacher, on the other hand. This project work, which followed the Investigation-Action Methodology, aims to show the degree of educational success which resulted from it, as well as the items and aspects to be developed in the future, while aiming for further improvement and implementation in this specific school. At the same time, this project work was the starting point, so that, in the future, all its resources may be used by all the educational community, consolidating its implementation. The project work “Prontos para Falar” (“Ready to Speak”) resulted in very positive outcomes even though some aspects lacked further admeasurements. Once again it will be proved that the school library stands as an added value in the entire teaching- learning process and that a very strong collaborative and articulated work is required between teachers and the school library team for the achievement of certain goals and objectives.
Bibliotecas escolares Comunicação oral Trabalho colaborativo Literacia da informação Ensino-aprendizagem Projetos de ensino Ensino básico 3º ciclo Information literacy Oral communication School library Collaboration work
O contributo da biblioteca escolar na aquisição de competências de oralidade em contexto escolar [Em linha]. Lisboa: [s.n.], 2018. 256 p.