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A presente dissertação procura desenvolver uma análise sobre os principais benefícios e desafios da articulação vertical, entre o 1º e 2º Ciclos do Ensino Básico (CEB), na disciplina de Matemática. A questão de investigação que norteia este estudo é: “De que forma(s) se estabelece(m) a articulação vertical entre o 1º e o 2º CEB na disciplina de Matemática, num agrupamento de escolas e que modelos de supervisão pedagógica se identificam nesse processo?”. Consideramos que os supervisores devem estar atentos à problemática que se apresenta nesta dissertação, de forma a conhecer a realidade dos alunos e das suas famílias, no sentido de conseguir auxiliar no processo de transição, identificando e respondendo de forma atempada e eficaz, evidenciando uma postura de investigação-ação. Devem também cooperar e apoiar os professores, objetivando uma melhoria do ensino, que se refletirá no envolvimento dos agentes educativos e no comprometimento com a melhoria das aprendizagens.
O estudo de natureza qualitativa, enquadra-se nos critérios de Estudo de Caso, adotou um caráter exploratório, com particularidades interpretativas. Foi desenvolvido com recurso aos seguintes instrumentos de recolha de dados: inquérito por questionário; entrevista semiestruturada e análise documental. Como técnicas de análise de dados foram adotadas as seguintes: análise estatística para os dados quantitativos e análise de conteúdo para os dados qualitativos.
Principais resultados do estudo apontam para uma consciencialização sobre a importância dos processos de articulação vertical, no Agrupamento de Escolas X. Contudo, os documentos orientadores registam muitas atividades de articulação entre o ensino Préescolar e o 1º CEB, em detrimento de atividades em articulação vertical entre os 1º e 2º CEB.
Os resultados retratam ainda, a relevância percecionada sobre a função do supervisor pedagógico, sendo apresentadas diversas funções, sem nunca mencionar uma relação direta com os processos de articulação vertical. Conclui-se ser benéfico a constituição de uma equipa, bem como a elaboração de um projeto orientado para os processos de articulação vertical.
This dissertation seeks to develop an analysis of the main benefits and challenges of vertical articulation, between the 1st and 2nd Cycles of Basic Education (CEB), in the subject of Mathematics. The research question that guides this study is: “In what way(s) is vertical articulation established between the 1st and 2nd CEB in the Mathematics discipline, in a group of schools and what models of pedagogical supervision are identified in this process?". We believe that supervisors must be aware of the problems presented in this dissertation, in order to understand the reality of students and their families, in order to be able to assist in the transition process, identifying and responding in a timely and effective manner, demonstrating an attitude of action research. They must also cooperate and support teachers, aiming to improve teaching, which will be reflected in the involvement of educational agents and commitment to improving learning. The study of a qualitative nature, fits the Case Study criteria, adopted an exploratory character, with interpretative particularities. It was developed using the following data collection instruments: questionnaire survey; semi-structured interview and document analysis. The following data analysis techniques were adopted: statistical analysis for quantitative data and content analysis for qualitative data. Main results of the study point to an awareness of the importance of vertical articulation processes, in the School Group vertical between the 1st and 2nd CEB. The results also portray the perceived relevance of the role of the pedagogical supervisor, with several functions being presented, without ever mentioning a direct relationship with the vertical articulation processes. It is concluded that the creation of a team is beneficial, as well as the development of a project oriented towards vertical articulation processes.
This dissertation seeks to develop an analysis of the main benefits and challenges of vertical articulation, between the 1st and 2nd Cycles of Basic Education (CEB), in the subject of Mathematics. The research question that guides this study is: “In what way(s) is vertical articulation established between the 1st and 2nd CEB in the Mathematics discipline, in a group of schools and what models of pedagogical supervision are identified in this process?". We believe that supervisors must be aware of the problems presented in this dissertation, in order to understand the reality of students and their families, in order to be able to assist in the transition process, identifying and responding in a timely and effective manner, demonstrating an attitude of action research. They must also cooperate and support teachers, aiming to improve teaching, which will be reflected in the involvement of educational agents and commitment to improving learning. The study of a qualitative nature, fits the Case Study criteria, adopted an exploratory character, with interpretative particularities. It was developed using the following data collection instruments: questionnaire survey; semi-structured interview and document analysis. The following data analysis techniques were adopted: statistical analysis for quantitative data and content analysis for qualitative data. Main results of the study point to an awareness of the importance of vertical articulation processes, in the School Group vertical between the 1st and 2nd CEB. The results also portray the perceived relevance of the role of the pedagogical supervisor, with several functions being presented, without ever mentioning a direct relationship with the vertical articulation processes. It is concluded that the creation of a team is beneficial, as well as the development of a project oriented towards vertical articulation processes.
Articulação curricular Autonomia Flexibilidade Matemática Modelos de supervisão pedagógica Curricular articulation Autonomy Flexibility Mathematics Supervision models
Ramalho, Rute Isabel dos Santos Cardoso - Articulação vertical entre o 1º e 2º ciclos do ensino básico, na disciplina de matemática [Em linha]: modelos de supervisão percecionados. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2024. 208 p.