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Esta dissertação centra-se no estudo da minha prática profissional de educadora de
infância, enquanto reveladora de especificidades relativas ao cruzamento da educação holística, pela arte e pela terra.
Esta prática pedagógica tem vindo a ser construída no âmbito do funcionamento da
Casa Verdes Anos, uma escola situada em Monsanto, Lisboa. A Casa é rodeada pela
floresta, ambiente que propicia e constrói as bases educativas que a sustentam.
Com o objectivo principal de compreender, reflectir, partilhar e melhorar a minha
prática formulei a seguinte questão de partida:
De que modo eu construo a minha prática pedagógica, articulando educação pela arte e natureza numa vivência plena e holística da educação?
Foi então estabelecido um quadro teórico que procurou o cruzamento entre três conceitos: a educação pela arte, a educação pela natureza e a educação holística. Esta
convergência e complementaridade transdisciplinar emergem de uma visão global e alargada do ser humano, bem como de uma perspectiva ecológica e sustentável da
A viagem investigativa que tracei parte de uma investigação-acção desenvolvida através
do método qualitativo. A partir de uma acção reflexiva sobre a prática pedagógica,
integrando o recurso a instrumentos que permitiram a recolha e a posterior análise de
dados, construí uma narrativa pedagógica.
Este processo decorreu durante um ano lectivo com um grupo de 14 crianças de idades
compreendidas entre os 3 e os 5 anos numa sala de jardim-de-infância da Casa Verdes
Após o decorrer do estudo foi possível apontar uma série de especificidades que
caracterizam a minha prática num cruzar necessário e possível com a fundamentação
teórica apresentada. Foi também possível marcar uma posição e aprofundá-la no
exercício reflectivo e activo que é educar.
This dissertation focuses on a study of my professional practice as a kindergarten teacher, as a revealer of the specificities in the encounter between holistic education, art and the earth. This pedagogical practice was constructed and was operated under the framework of Casa Verdes Anos, a school situated in Monsanto, Lisbon. The facility is surrounded by a forest, an environment that builds and nurtures the educational grounds which sustain it. As a main objective of understanding, reflecting, sharing and improving my practice I have formulated the following question: In which way may I construct my pedagogical practice, combining education through art and nature in a complete and holistic educational experience? A theoretical wall was built, which was used for seeking the combination between three concepts: education through art, education for nature and holistic education. This convergence and trans-disciplinary complementarity emerge out of a wide and global vision of the human being, as well as an ecological and sustainable educational perspective. This investigative journey which I partook departs from an action-research, which was developed using the qualitative method. Out of a reflective action on pedagogical practice, integrating the usage of instruments that enabled the collection of data and its further analysis, I have constructed a pedagogical narrative. This process took place during one academic year, with a group of 14 children between the ages of 3 to 5 years, at the Casa Verdes Anos’ nursery schoolroom. After the course of this study it became possible to identify a number of features which characterize my practice together with a necessary combination of the theoretical framework which was presented. It was also possible to indicate a position, as well as to deepen it within the active and reflective practice of education.
This dissertation focuses on a study of my professional practice as a kindergarten teacher, as a revealer of the specificities in the encounter between holistic education, art and the earth. This pedagogical practice was constructed and was operated under the framework of Casa Verdes Anos, a school situated in Monsanto, Lisbon. The facility is surrounded by a forest, an environment that builds and nurtures the educational grounds which sustain it. As a main objective of understanding, reflecting, sharing and improving my practice I have formulated the following question: In which way may I construct my pedagogical practice, combining education through art and nature in a complete and holistic educational experience? A theoretical wall was built, which was used for seeking the combination between three concepts: education through art, education for nature and holistic education. This convergence and trans-disciplinary complementarity emerge out of a wide and global vision of the human being, as well as an ecological and sustainable educational perspective. This investigative journey which I partook departs from an action-research, which was developed using the qualitative method. Out of a reflective action on pedagogical practice, integrating the usage of instruments that enabled the collection of data and its further analysis, I have constructed a pedagogical narrative. This process took place during one academic year, with a group of 14 children between the ages of 3 to 5 years, at the Casa Verdes Anos’ nursery schoolroom. After the course of this study it became possible to identify a number of features which characterize my practice together with a necessary combination of the theoretical framework which was presented. It was also possible to indicate a position, as well as to deepen it within the active and reflective practice of education.
Dissertações de Mestrado em Arte e Educação apresentada à Universidade Aberta
Arte Educação Holismo Método educativo Meio ambiente Investigação Jardins de infância Estudo de casos Holistic education Education through art Pedagogy of the earth Action research
Silva, Sofia Isabel da Luz Machado - Arte, educação e natureza, que complementaridade? [Em linha] : uma prática educativa em jardim de infância. Lisboa : [s.n.], 2012. 2 vols.