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Neste estudo, apresentamos um estudo de caso centrado na abordagem da
utilização de podcasts e screencasts por um grupo de alunos do 4.º ano, enquanto
produtores e utilizadores destas ferramentas e recursos digitais na aprendizagem precoce
das Línguas Estrangeiras – Inglês.
As atividades desenvolvidas foram concebidas e delineadas tendo subjacente os
conceitos revistos na revisão da literatura e fundamentação teórica no campo da
aprendizagem das línguas estrangeiras, e ainda nas potencialidades de utilização de
recursos digitais no ensino e aprendizagem em geral e das línguas estrangeiras em
particular, nomeadamente os podcasts e screencasts e o seu contributo na melhoria das
aprendizagens, em particular, das competências do domínio da oralidade.
Recorrendo à metodologia do estudo de caso, procurou-se compreender como
agiam e reagiam os alunos à criação e utilização destes recursos digitais com o apoio de
ferramentas apropriadas aos objetivos e à sua idade, bem como as implicações ao nível
da aprendizagem de competências de oralidade em língua estrangeira na disciplina de
Inglês. As atividades de ensino decorreram em ambiente de sala de aula e todas as ações
desenvolvidas foram integradas na disciplina de inglês na plataforma Moodle.
Os resultados obtidos através das atividades implementadas permitem-nos
concluir neste caso que, a apropriação das ferramentas e a criação dos produtos podcasts
e screencasts foi bem sucedida, o nível de motivação dos alunos aumenta ao utilizar
estas ferramentas, e ainda, potenciam a comunicação, a interação e a colaboração entre
In this study, we present a case study centered in the use of podcasts and screencasts by a four year students’ group, as producers and users of these digital tools and resources in the early learning of foreign languages - English. The activities were designed and outlined with underlying concepts in the revised literature review and theoretical foundation in foreign language learning, and even in the potential use of digital resources for teaching and learning in general, and in particular for foreign language, namely podcasts and screencasts and their contribution to improve oral skills learning. Using the methodology of the case study, we sought to understand how students acted and reacted towards the creation and use of digital resources, supported by appropriate tools to their goals and their age, as well the implications for learning oral skills in the English subject. The teaching activities took place in classroom environment and all the actions were developed in the English subject, in the Moodle platform. The results obtained through the activities implemented allow us to conclude that in this case, ownership of tools and the creation of podcasts and screencasts product was a success, the level of students’ motivation increases when using these tools, and also enhance the communication, interaction and collaboration among peers.
In this study, we present a case study centered in the use of podcasts and screencasts by a four year students’ group, as producers and users of these digital tools and resources in the early learning of foreign languages - English. The activities were designed and outlined with underlying concepts in the revised literature review and theoretical foundation in foreign language learning, and even in the potential use of digital resources for teaching and learning in general, and in particular for foreign language, namely podcasts and screencasts and their contribution to improve oral skills learning. Using the methodology of the case study, we sought to understand how students acted and reacted towards the creation and use of digital resources, supported by appropriate tools to their goals and their age, as well the implications for learning oral skills in the English subject. The teaching activities took place in classroom environment and all the actions were developed in the English subject, in the Moodle platform. The results obtained through the activities implemented allow us to conclude that in this case, ownership of tools and the creation of podcasts and screencasts product was a success, the level of students’ motivation increases when using these tools, and also enhance the communication, interaction and collaboration among peers.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Pedagogia do E-Learning apresentada à Universidade Aberta
Ensino de línguas 1º ciclo Língua inglesa Elearning Línguas estrangeiras Recursos de aprendizagem Tecnologia digital Web 2.0 Learning foreign languages English digital resources Podcasts Screencasts ICT in the primary school
Ferreira, Paulo Jorge Nunes - Crianças produtoras de conteúdos digitais na aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira [Em linha] : o caso dos podcasts e screencasts. Lisboa : [s.n.], 2015. 100 p.