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A maioria dos documentos orientadores e legislação referente à Educação, explicitam a
avaliação formativa como forma de possibilitar ao aluno saber em que situação se encontra,
que objetivos deve atingir e de que forma os deve atingir. É uma avaliação para as
aprendizagens, em que os momentos de avaliação devem coincidir com a realização das
atividades e reflexão sobre as mesmas. Como tal, o feedback é relevante para as
aprendizagens e competências a adquirir pelos alunos.
Este processo deve ser encarado, pelo professor, de forma colaborativa, onde a supervisão
pedagógica, como dispositivo de desenvolvimento profissional, é uma mais-valia para a ação
Posto isto, formulamos a seguinte questão: Quais as perceções de professores e alunos sobre
as práticas de feedback do Grupo de Física e Química, do Agrupamento de Escolas X e como
encaram os docentes a possibilidade de as melhorar através da supervisão pedagógica?
Como objetivos pretendemos: Analisar as perceções dos professores sobre as suas práticas
de feedback; Analisar as práticas de feedback dos professores, na perspetiva dos alunos;
Analisar a perceção dos alunos sobre o efeito do feedback recebido dos professores;
Investigar a disponibilidade dos professores para desenvolver trabalho entre pares, tendo em
vista melhorar as suas práticas de feedback.
Do ponto de vista metodológico, este trabalho enquadra-se no estudo de caso, com
abordagem mista (qualitativa e quantitativa), desenvolvido a partir de entrevistas individuais
e de Focus Groups, análise documental e inquérito por questionário. Os dados quantitativos
foram submetidos a análise baseada em estatística descritiva simples e os qualitativos a
análise de conteúdo.
Concluímos que o feedback é fornecido quotidianamente, no entanto, em várias situações
diverge entre o que os professores percecionam fornecer e o que é percecionado pelos seus
alunos. O trabalho colaborativo entre professores é uma prática estabelecida, contudo, tem
como limite a sala de aula, havendo relutância para com a supervisão pedagógica, a qual
surge entendida como um mecanismo de avaliação da sua atividade docente.
Most of the guiding documents and legislation on Education explain formative assessment as a way of enabling students to know what situation they are in, what objectives they should achieve and how they should achieve them. It is an evaluation for learning, in which the moments of evaluation must coincide with the realization of activities and reflection on them. Therefore, feedback is relevant to the learning and skills to be acquired by students. This process should be seen, by the teacher, collaboratively, where pedagogical supervision, as a professional development device, is an added value for the teaching action. To this end, we formulate the following question: What are the perceptions and feedback practices of the teachers and students, about the feedback practices, of the Physics and Chemistry Group, of the X School Grouping and how do teachers perceive the possibility of improving them through pedagogical supervision? As objectives we intend to: Analyze the perceptions of teachers about their feedback practices; Investigate the availability of teachers to develop peer-to-peer work with the aim to improving their feedback practices; Analyze teachers' feedback practices from the students' perspective; Analyze students' perception of the effect of feedback received from teachers. From the methodological point of view, this work fits into the case study, with a mixed approach (qualitative and quantitative), developed from individual interviews and Focus Groups, document analysis and questionnaire survey. Quantitative data were submitted to analysis based on simple descriptive statistics and qualitative data to content analysis. We conclude that feedback is provided on a daily basis, however, in several situations it differs between what teachers perceive to provide and what is perceived by their students. Collaborative work among teachers is an established practice, however, it has the classroom as a limit, with reluctance to pedagogical supervision, which is understood as an evaluation mechanism of their teaching activity.
Most of the guiding documents and legislation on Education explain formative assessment as a way of enabling students to know what situation they are in, what objectives they should achieve and how they should achieve them. It is an evaluation for learning, in which the moments of evaluation must coincide with the realization of activities and reflection on them. Therefore, feedback is relevant to the learning and skills to be acquired by students. This process should be seen, by the teacher, collaboratively, where pedagogical supervision, as a professional development device, is an added value for the teaching action. To this end, we formulate the following question: What are the perceptions and feedback practices of the teachers and students, about the feedback practices, of the Physics and Chemistry Group, of the X School Grouping and how do teachers perceive the possibility of improving them through pedagogical supervision? As objectives we intend to: Analyze the perceptions of teachers about their feedback practices; Investigate the availability of teachers to develop peer-to-peer work with the aim to improving their feedback practices; Analyze teachers' feedback practices from the students' perspective; Analyze students' perception of the effect of feedback received from teachers. From the methodological point of view, this work fits into the case study, with a mixed approach (qualitative and quantitative), developed from individual interviews and Focus Groups, document analysis and questionnaire survey. Quantitative data were submitted to analysis based on simple descriptive statistics and qualitative data to content analysis. We conclude that feedback is provided on a daily basis, however, in several situations it differs between what teachers perceive to provide and what is perceived by their students. Collaborative work among teachers is an established practice, however, it has the classroom as a limit, with reluctance to pedagogical supervision, which is understood as an evaluation mechanism of their teaching activity.
Ensino aprendizagem Avaliação Feedback Supervisão pedagógica Teaching Learning Evaluation Pedagogical supervision
Cordeiro, Manuel Diogo - Perceções e práticas de feedback no ensino e aprendizagem de Física e Química: estudo de caso num agrupamento de escolas. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2023. 271 p.