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Os desenvolvimentos tecnológicos das últimas décadas foram céleres e
tiveram impacto global, estando os media digitais presentes em todas as facetas
da nossa vida e apresentando-se como uma oportunidade para promover
oportunidades de aprendizagem. O e-learning assume as ferramentas digitais para
transformar o ensino a distância. A comunicação educacional é facilitada e a
possibilidade de frequentar um curso de forma assíncrona vai permitir o acesso a
estudantes que não têm condições de acesso a regime presencial. Considerando
importante aprofundar a investigação sobre o e-learning e contribuir para o sucesso
dos estudantes, procurámos, com a presente investigação, identificar as
motivações para a escolha de um curso em e-learning e as perceções dos
estudantes sobre vantagens e dificuldades do ensino superior em regime a
distância nesta modalidade. A investigação foi realizada com estudantes de ensino
superior a frequentar curso conferente de grau académico de mestre em regime a
distância e na modalidade de e-learning, ministrados por instituições públicas. Foi
solicitada aos estudantes resposta a inquérito por questionário disponibilizado em
formulário acedido por via eletrónica. Da análise dos dados recolhidos concluímos
existirem bons graus de satisfação relativamente ao e-learning, considerando os
inquiridos o e-learning adequado às suas caraterísticas pessoais e gostando da
metodologia e plataformas de estudo. Apontam como fator motivacional para a
frequência de um curso nesta modalidade de ensino a distância a possibilidade de
melhor gestão do tempo e confirmam essa expectativa, considerando, já enquanto
estudantes, conseguir gerir o tempo pessoal de forma satisfatória e boa adaptação
ao regime. Concluímos, ainda, que os estudantes que escolheram esta modalidade
para prosseguir os estudos têm já experiência prévia com a utilização de
The technological developments of the last decades were swift and had a global impact, with digital media being present in all facets of our lives and presenting itself as an opportunity to promote learning chances. e-Learning takes the digital tools to transform distance learning. Educational communication is eased and the possibility of attending a course asynchronously will allow access to students who do not have access conditions to face-to-face. Whereas the importance of deepening e-learning research and contributing to student success, we have sought, whit present investigation, to identify motivations and perceptions about the advantages and difficulties of distance learning in this modality. The research was carried out with graduation students attending a master’s degree course in distance learning and e-learning mode, provided by public institutions. Students were asked to answer to a questionnaire survey made available on an electronic form. From the analysis of the collected data, we concluded that there are good degrees of satisfaction regarding e-learning, finding the surveyed the elearning appropriate to their personal characteristics and enjoying the methodology and study platforms. They point out as a motivational factor for the frequency of a course in this modality of distance learning the possibility of better time management and confirm this expectation, considering, already as students, be able to manage personal time in a satisfactory way and good adaptation to the regime. We conclude that students who have chosen this modality to pursue their studies have already had previous experience with the use of technologies.
The technological developments of the last decades were swift and had a global impact, with digital media being present in all facets of our lives and presenting itself as an opportunity to promote learning chances. e-Learning takes the digital tools to transform distance learning. Educational communication is eased and the possibility of attending a course asynchronously will allow access to students who do not have access conditions to face-to-face. Whereas the importance of deepening e-learning research and contributing to student success, we have sought, whit present investigation, to identify motivations and perceptions about the advantages and difficulties of distance learning in this modality. The research was carried out with graduation students attending a master’s degree course in distance learning and e-learning mode, provided by public institutions. Students were asked to answer to a questionnaire survey made available on an electronic form. From the analysis of the collected data, we concluded that there are good degrees of satisfaction regarding e-learning, finding the surveyed the elearning appropriate to their personal characteristics and enjoying the methodology and study platforms. They point out as a motivational factor for the frequency of a course in this modality of distance learning the possibility of better time management and confirm this expectation, considering, already as students, be able to manage personal time in a satisfactory way and good adaptation to the regime. We conclude that students who have chosen this modality to pursue their studies have already had previous experience with the use of technologies.
Comunicação educacional Elearning Educação a distância Media digitais Ensino virtual Mestrado Ensino público Ensino superior Inquéritos Estudantes E-learning Educational communication Student perceptions Distance learning Virtual space
Silva, Sónia Maria Teixeira da - Desafios para o sucesso na comunicação educacional mediada: estudo das perceções dos estudantes de e-learning. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2018. 124 p.