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As novas concepções para produção que os Recursos Educacionais Abertos (REA) possibilitam, a necessidade de formação sobre os REA, o interesse dos professores em diversificar e melhorar os materiais didáticos motivaram o desenvolvimento desta pesquisa. Nesse contexto, foi definida a questão de pesquisa: em que medida os Recursos Educacionais Abertos geram inovação nos materiais didáticos organizados e produzidos pelos professores do Ensino Médio? A formação sobre REA, para um grupo de professores do Ensino Médio do Rio Grande do Sul, foi desenvolvida por intermédio de um Small Open Online Course (SOOC), denominado “REA: Educação para o Futuro”. Além dos conhecimentos sobre REA, o curso teve por objetivos melhorar a fluência tecnológico-pedagógica e fomentar a integração de REA nas práticas didáticas dos professores. Os procedimentos metodológicos foram baseados no Design-Based Research (DBR). A obtenção de dados ocorreu por meio da avaliação dos ciclos iterativos, com questionários, acompanhamento e análise das atividades realizadas pelos professores em duas edições do SOOC. Após a organização dos dados, realizamos análise de conteúdo e a triangulação dos dados. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam os seguintes aspectos: design e implementação do SOOC sobre REA, com proposta de formação desenvolvida na perspectiva da autoria e do compartilhamento e não somente na perspectiva de usuários de recursos disponíveis na Rede; seleção, adaptação, produção e compartilhamento de REA, realizados pelos professores; as dificuldades enfrentadas pelos professores para identificar, adaptar e produzir REA como a falta de conhecimentos sobre os direitos autorais, sobre as licenças abertas, a falta de fluência tecnológico-pedagógica e a demanda de tempo. Assim, a produção de material didático aberto, possibilitada pelo reúso, pela adaptação e/ou remix de recursos existentes e pela produção de REA originais, ocorre pela compreensão da abertura legal e técnica dos recursos e das limitações do copyright. Conclui-se, portanto, que os REA geram inovação disruptiva, pois modificam as concepções de produção e de compartilhamento dos materiais didáticos pelos professores no Ensino Médio.
The new conceptions for production that Open Educational Resources (OER) enable, the need for training on OER, the interest of teachers in diversifying and improving teaching materials motivated the development of this research. In this context, the research question was defined: to what extent the Open Educational Resources generate innovation in the didactic materials organized and produced by the teachers of the High School? Training on OER, for a group of High School teachers from Rio Grande do Sul, was developed by means of a Small Open Online Course (SOOC), denominated “OER: Education for the Future”. In addition to knowledge about OER, the aim of the course was to improve technological-pedagogical fluency and to foster the integration of OER in the didactic practices of teachers. The methodological procedures were based on the Design-Based Research (DBR). Data collection took place through the evaluation of the iterative cycles, with questionnaires, monitoring and analysis of the activities carried out by teachers in two editions of SOOC. After data organization, we performed content analysis and triangulation of data. The results of the research point to the following aspects: design and implementation of SOOC on OER, with a training proposal developed from the perspective of authorship and sharing and not only from the perspective of users of resources available in the Network; selection, revise, production and sharing of OER, performed by teachers; as difficulties faced by teachers in identifying, revising and producing OER as a lack of knowledge about copyright, on open licenses, lack of technological-pedagogical fluency and the demand for time. Thus, the production of open didactic material, made possible by reuse, by the adaptation and / or remix of existing resources and by the production of original OER, by the revise and / or remix of existing resources and by the production of original OER. It is concluded that, therefore, that OERs generate disruptive innovation, because they modify the conceptions of production and sharing of didactic materials by teachers in High School.
The new conceptions for production that Open Educational Resources (OER) enable, the need for training on OER, the interest of teachers in diversifying and improving teaching materials motivated the development of this research. In this context, the research question was defined: to what extent the Open Educational Resources generate innovation in the didactic materials organized and produced by the teachers of the High School? Training on OER, for a group of High School teachers from Rio Grande do Sul, was developed by means of a Small Open Online Course (SOOC), denominated “OER: Education for the Future”. In addition to knowledge about OER, the aim of the course was to improve technological-pedagogical fluency and to foster the integration of OER in the didactic practices of teachers. The methodological procedures were based on the Design-Based Research (DBR). Data collection took place through the evaluation of the iterative cycles, with questionnaires, monitoring and analysis of the activities carried out by teachers in two editions of SOOC. After data organization, we performed content analysis and triangulation of data. The results of the research point to the following aspects: design and implementation of SOOC on OER, with a training proposal developed from the perspective of authorship and sharing and not only from the perspective of users of resources available in the Network; selection, revise, production and sharing of OER, performed by teachers; as difficulties faced by teachers in identifying, revising and producing OER as a lack of knowledge about copyright, on open licenses, lack of technological-pedagogical fluency and the demand for time. Thus, the production of open didactic material, made possible by reuse, by the adaptation and / or remix of existing resources and by the production of original OER, by the revise and / or remix of existing resources and by the production of original OER. It is concluded that, therefore, that OERs generate disruptive innovation, because they modify the conceptions of production and sharing of didactic materials by teachers in High School.
Recursos educacionais abertos Materiais didáticos abertos Ensino médio Professores Formação contínua Small Open Online Course (SOOC) Inovação Brasil Open educational resources Continuing teacher training Open teaching materials Innovation
Mazzardo, Mara Denize - Recursos educacionais abertos [Em linha]: inovação na produção de materiais didáticos dos professores do ensino médio. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2018. 2 vols.