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No sistema educativo português, é possível retroceder até ao projeto da Reforma Curricular de 1988, para encontrar as primeiras tentativas de implementar a interdisciplinaridade no currículo. A Área Escola, resultante dessa reforma, foi a face mais visível dessa preocupação. Trinta anos depois e após o Projeto de Autonomia e Flexibilidade Curricular que culminou na publicação do DL 55/2018 intensificaram-se nas escolas portuguesas vários projetos de cariz interdisciplinar, potenciadores do trabalho colaborativo docente. E quando os professores refletem sobre as práticas, se observam e ajudam uns aos outros, estão também a desenvolver uma supervisão entre pares.
É neste enquadramento que se perspetivou a realização desta investigação com o objetivo de perceber de que forma as práticas colaborativas interdisciplinares contribuem para o desenvolvimento de estratégias de supervisão colaborativa, ou, ao invés, são incrementadas por estas. São três os conceitos estruturantes que enquadram este estudo, de cariz qualitativo e interpretativo: o trabalho colaborativo, a interdisciplinaridade e a
supervisão colaborativa.
O trabalho concretiza -se através de um estudo de caso realizado num agrupamento de escolas do distrito de Aveiro. A recolha de dados foi consubstanciada pela realização de sete entrevistas semiestruturadas a lideranças intermédias de coordenação e diretora do agrupamento. Cruzaram-se os dados com informações reunidas em documentos orientadores do agrupamento de escolas em estudo.
Os resultados sugerem que as práticas colaborativas interdisciplinares e as práticas de supervisão entre pares são reconhecidas pelos docentes como muito importantes para o desenvolvimento qualitativo da organização escolar e para os que nela trabalham, nomeadamente professores e alunos. Todavia persistem vários obstáculos à sua implementação, levando a que um conjunto de boas intenções não se efetivem plenamente, e outras, que até se experienciaram, depois não se transformem em rotinas.
In the portuguese education system, it is possible to go back as far as the 1988 Curriculum Reform project to find the first attempts to implement interdisciplinarity in the curriculum. The School Area, which resulted from this reform, was the most visible aspect of this concern. Thirty years later and after the Autonomy and Curricular Flexibility project that culminated in the publication of DL 55/2018, several interdisciplinary projects have intensified in portuguese schools, boosting collaborative teaching work. And when teachers reflect and talk about their practices, observe and help each other, they are also developing peer supervision. It is within this framework that this research was carried out with the aim of understanding how interdisciplinary collaborative practices contribute to the development of collaborative supervision strategies or, on the contrary, are enhanced by them. There are three structuring concepts that frame this study, which is qualitative and interpretative in nature: collaborative work, interdisciplinarity and collaborative supervision. The work was carried out through a case study in a school cluster in the district of Aveiro. Data was collected by conducting seven semi-structured interviews with middle management and top management, including the headteacher. The data was crossreferenced with information gathered from analysing the guiding documents of the school cluster under study. The results suggest that interdisciplinary collaborative practices and peer supervision practices are recognised by teachers as very important for the qualitative development of the school organisation, which wants to be autonomous and flexible, and for those who work in it, namely teachers and students, but several obstacles to their implementation persist, leading to a number of good intentions not being fully realised, and others, which are even experienced, retreating in time.
In the portuguese education system, it is possible to go back as far as the 1988 Curriculum Reform project to find the first attempts to implement interdisciplinarity in the curriculum. The School Area, which resulted from this reform, was the most visible aspect of this concern. Thirty years later and after the Autonomy and Curricular Flexibility project that culminated in the publication of DL 55/2018, several interdisciplinary projects have intensified in portuguese schools, boosting collaborative teaching work. And when teachers reflect and talk about their practices, observe and help each other, they are also developing peer supervision. It is within this framework that this research was carried out with the aim of understanding how interdisciplinary collaborative practices contribute to the development of collaborative supervision strategies or, on the contrary, are enhanced by them. There are three structuring concepts that frame this study, which is qualitative and interpretative in nature: collaborative work, interdisciplinarity and collaborative supervision. The work was carried out through a case study in a school cluster in the district of Aveiro. Data was collected by conducting seven semi-structured interviews with middle management and top management, including the headteacher. The data was crossreferenced with information gathered from analysing the guiding documents of the school cluster under study. The results suggest that interdisciplinary collaborative practices and peer supervision practices are recognised by teachers as very important for the qualitative development of the school organisation, which wants to be autonomous and flexible, and for those who work in it, namely teachers and students, but several obstacles to their implementation persist, leading to a number of good intentions not being fully realised, and others, which are even experienced, retreating in time.
Trabalho colaborativo Docentes Interdisciplinaridade Supervisão colaborativa Collaborative work by teachers Interdisciplinarity Collaborative supervision
Negrão, Teresa Inês de Pinho - Práticas colaborativas interdisciplinares: um estudo de caso num agrupamento de escolas [Em linha]. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2024.151 p.