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(Dé) voilant les sept arts libéraux sous les traits emblématiques de dames dont les corps élégants et séducteurs sont parés de somptueux vêtements ornés de toutes les figures et couleurs de style, le fameux traité de Martianus Capella, Les noces de Philologie et de Mercure, qui fixera pour plusieurs siècles à venir le concept de littérature et toutes les formes du savoir clérical ancrées dans l’art de la lettre, assume sans ambages la défense du plasma fictionnelle contre l’empire de la plastica Dei dont Tertullien s’était fait, quelques siècles auparavant, le plus virulent des avocats. Cette déchirure épistémologique, renforcée par l’ambivalence inhérente à la conception du corps et de la parure dans la tradition biblique et exégétique, marquera définitivement les contours du récit médiéval et la conception même de l’apparence et du paraître dans l’Occident médiéval. L’imaginaire courtois développe ainsi une sémiologie complexe où les ornements qui recouvrent à profusion la surface du corps, lui assignant (ou refusant) une place dans la société et dans la vaste syntaxe du monde, sont autant de métaphores reluisantes et trompeuses de l’ornatus rhétorique sur lesquelles s’appuiera, au fil des textes, toute une réflexion sur le langage poétique et le pouvoir de la représentation.
Revealing the Seven Liberal Arts through the emblematic features of ladies whose elegant, seductive bodies are covered with sumptuous clothes, adorned with all the figures and colours of style, the famous work by Martianus Capella, The marriage of Philology and Mercury - which will establish, for many centuries to come, the concept of literature as well as all the other forms of clerical knowledge anchored on the art of the letter- assumes clearly the defence of the fictional plasma vis à vis of the empire of the plastica Dei, whose defence Tertullian had taken upon himself, several centuries before. This epistemological cut, further strengthened by the ambivalence of the contemporary conceptions on body and adornment as presented in the biblical and exegetical tradition, will definitively shape the contours of the medieval narrative and of the very concept of appearance and looks in the Medieval West. Therefore, the courtly imaginary developed a complex semiology, in which the ornaments covering, profusely, the surface of the body, and granting it or refusing to do so, a place in society and on the vast syntax of the World, are also brilliant and paradoxical metaphors of the rhetorical ornatus, which has fed, throughout a long line of poems, a broad reflexion on the poetic language as well as on and the power of representation.
Revealing the Seven Liberal Arts through the emblematic features of ladies whose elegant, seductive bodies are covered with sumptuous clothes, adorned with all the figures and colours of style, the famous work by Martianus Capella, The marriage of Philology and Mercury - which will establish, for many centuries to come, the concept of literature as well as all the other forms of clerical knowledge anchored on the art of the letter- assumes clearly the defence of the fictional plasma vis à vis of the empire of the plastica Dei, whose defence Tertullian had taken upon himself, several centuries before. This epistemological cut, further strengthened by the ambivalence of the contemporary conceptions on body and adornment as presented in the biblical and exegetical tradition, will definitively shape the contours of the medieval narrative and of the very concept of appearance and looks in the Medieval West. Therefore, the courtly imaginary developed a complex semiology, in which the ornaments covering, profusely, the surface of the body, and granting it or refusing to do so, a place in society and on the vast syntax of the World, are also brilliant and paradoxical metaphors of the rhetorical ornatus, which has fed, throughout a long line of poems, a broad reflexion on the poetic language as well as on and the power of representation.
Literatura francesa medieval Representações do corpo Literatura Retórica Ornamentação Moyen âge XIIe siècle XIIIe siècle Littérature Apparence 12th Century 13th Century Middle age Corps Literature
Carreto, Carlos F. Clamote - Plastica dei et rhétorique du corps: écritures de l’apparence au moyen âge (XIIe-XIIIe siècles). "Apparence(s) [Em linha]: Histoire et Culture du Paraître". ISSN 1954-3778. Nº 2 (2008), p. 1-22
IRHiS-Septentrion (Institut de recherches historiques du Septentrion, UMR 8529-CNRS université de Lille 3)