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“Imagens Literárias do Alentejo em Manuel da Fonseca: Planície, Aldeia Nova e Seara de
Vento” assume-se como um trabalho de investigação subordinado ao estudo imagológico da
região do Alentejo em Manuel da Fonseca.
A fim de se constituir um corpus de análise credível e diversificado, foram selecionadas as
obras Planície (1941), poesia; Aldeia Nova (1942), contos, e Seara de Vento (1958), romance.
Manuel da Fonseca (1911-1993) inscreve-se no movimento literário neorrealista, sendo que
as suas obras refletem uma preocupação e um comprometimento social (característica dessa
estética literária), sem esquecer, todavia, a estética discursiva.
O cenário que privilegia é o Alentejo, região bem familiar ao autor por razões biográficas –
nasceu e passou parte da sua infância em Santiago do Cacém – e com a qual manteve sempre
laços de afetividade. Assim, impõe-se, também, uma discussão sobre a presença do
regionalismo em Fonseca.
A representação da região transtagana no corpus estudado, analisada sob a perspetiva da
Imagologia, resulta em imagens literárias, exploradas em subcapítulos da presente dissertação:
a paisagem, o trabalho, a figura do maltês, o lar alentejano, o cante, a crença e a crendice e o
falar alentejano.
Metodologicamente, privilegia-se a análise de conteúdo, operando-se o levantamento dos
temas, motivos, estereótipos (que, em literatura, assumem a designação de imagotipos). Seguese o estudo da forma como surgem retratados nas três obras, estabelecendo-se uma comparação
entre as mesmas e discutindo-se se as imagens literárias construídas no discurso de Fonseca
permanecem estáticas ou, pelo contrário, são mutáveis.
No atinente à estrutura da dissertação, além dos capítulos relativos à análise das imagens
literárias em Fonseca, destacam-se: o enquadramento teórico-metodológico relativo à
Imagologia Literária e a contextualização do escritor em estudo, quer biográfica, quer da
estética literária em que se insere.
“Alentejo’s Literary Images in Manuel da Fonseca: Planície, Aldeia Nova and Seara de Vento” is an investigation focused on the imagological study of the Alentejo region in Manuel da Fonseca’s works. To form a trustworthy and diversified body of study, three works were selected: Planície (1941), poetry; Aldeia Nova (1942), short stories, and Seara de Vento (1958), a novel. Manuel da Fonseca (1911-1993) integrates the neorealist literary period; therefore, his works demonstrate a social concern and commitment (a feature of that period), but always concerned with the writing style. The main scenery in his work is the Alentejo region, which is familiar to the author, for biographical reasons – he was born in Santiago do Cacém, where he lived his childhood – and with which he always maintained emotional ties. So, it is also important to discuss the regionalism in his work. The depiction of the Alentejo region in the body of study, explored under the imagological approach, becomes an ensemble of literary images, analyzed in the subchapters of the dissertation: the scenery, the labor, the “maltês” character (a stereotype), the family, the “cante alentejano” (a musical style), the faith and the superstition and the dialect of Alentejo. Regarding the methodology, it is focused on a content analysis, identifying the topics, the motifs, the stereotypes (that in literature are designated by the expression “imagotypes”). Then, it follows the study about the ways they are portrayed in the three works, comparing them, and discussing if the literary images in Manuel da Fonseca’s speech will remain static or, instead, they will change. Concerning the dissertation structure, besides the chapters related to the literary images in Fonseca, we should mention the theoretical and methodological framework connected to the Literary Imagology and the writer’s context: biography and literary period.
“Alentejo’s Literary Images in Manuel da Fonseca: Planície, Aldeia Nova and Seara de Vento” is an investigation focused on the imagological study of the Alentejo region in Manuel da Fonseca’s works. To form a trustworthy and diversified body of study, three works were selected: Planície (1941), poetry; Aldeia Nova (1942), short stories, and Seara de Vento (1958), a novel. Manuel da Fonseca (1911-1993) integrates the neorealist literary period; therefore, his works demonstrate a social concern and commitment (a feature of that period), but always concerned with the writing style. The main scenery in his work is the Alentejo region, which is familiar to the author, for biographical reasons – he was born in Santiago do Cacém, where he lived his childhood – and with which he always maintained emotional ties. So, it is also important to discuss the regionalism in his work. The depiction of the Alentejo region in the body of study, explored under the imagological approach, becomes an ensemble of literary images, analyzed in the subchapters of the dissertation: the scenery, the labor, the “maltês” character (a stereotype), the family, the “cante alentejano” (a musical style), the faith and the superstition and the dialect of Alentejo. Regarding the methodology, it is focused on a content analysis, identifying the topics, the motifs, the stereotypes (that in literature are designated by the expression “imagotypes”). Then, it follows the study about the ways they are portrayed in the three works, comparing them, and discussing if the literary images in Manuel da Fonseca’s speech will remain static or, instead, they will change. Concerning the dissertation structure, besides the chapters related to the literary images in Fonseca, we should mention the theoretical and methodological framework connected to the Literary Imagology and the writer’s context: biography and literary period.
Manuel da Fonseca, 1911-1993 Imagologia Imagem Imagotipo Neorrealismo Alentejo Imagology Image Imagotypes Neorealism
Estêvão, Hugo Manuel Gonçalves - Imagens literárias do Alentejo em Manuel da Fonseca [Em linha]: Planície, Aldeia Nova e Seara de Vento. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2023. 137 p.