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Dado o atual uso global do Eneagrama no estudo da personalidade,
constata-se a necessidade premente de esclarecer a sua origem e evolução.
A dispersão dos dados sobre quem protagonizou a propagação deste
sistema origina muitas vezes dúvidas e equívocos. Nesse sentido, com este
artigo pretende-se sistematizar a história das origens do Eneagrama e da
sua evolução, até se tornar num fenómeno global, tendo como foco as principais
figuras históricas. Para isso, realizou-se a revisão da literatura que
aborda o Eneagrama do ponto de vista histórico. Resumidamente,
chegou-se à conclusão de que a sua verdadeira origem é desconhecida.
Segundo alguns estudiosos, tem cerca de 2.500 anos e foi conhecido por
Pitágoras e outros sábios da antiguidade; segundo outros, coube à tradição
sufi (Afeganistão) preservar o conhecimento da sua utilização. Mas todos
afirmam que esta sabedoria milenar foi transmitida de mestre para discípulo,
oralmente, dentro das escolas iniciáticas. A partir de 1920, tudo começa a
ficar mais claro, quando chegou ao Ocidente (Europa) através das ideias e
do trabalho do filósofo russo G.I. Gurdjieff. Permaneceu em grupos restritos
até 1960, começando a ser efetivamente difundido a partir da década de 70.
Tendo em consideração o impacto atual deste sistema, propõe-se que seja
definido um projeto amplo de investigação sobre cada uma das figuras que
se destacaram na formulação e divulgação do Eneagrama.
Given the current global use of the Enneagram in the study of personality, there is a pressing need to clarify its origin and evolution. The dispersion of data on who played a role in the propagation of this system often gives rise to doubts and misunderstandings. In this sense, with this article, we intend to systematize the history of the Enneagram’s origins and its evolution until it became a global phenomenon, focusing on prominent historical figures. For this, a literature review that approaches the Enneagram from a historical point of view was carried out. Briefly, it was concluded that its true origin is unknown. According to some scholars, it is about 2,500 years old and was known by Pythagoras and other sages of antiquity; according to others, it was up to the Sufi tradition (Afghanistan) to preserve its knowledge use. But everyone says that this ancient wisdom was transmitted from master to disciple, orally, within the initiatory schools. From 1920, everything started to become more apparent when it arrived in the West (Europe) through the ideas and work of the Russian philosopher G.I. Gurdjieff. It remained in restricted groups until 1960, beginning to be effectively disseminated from the ‘70s onwards. Considering the current impact of this system, it is proposed that a broad research project be defined on each of the figures that stood out in the formulation and Enneagram disclosure.
Given the current global use of the Enneagram in the study of personality, there is a pressing need to clarify its origin and evolution. The dispersion of data on who played a role in the propagation of this system often gives rise to doubts and misunderstandings. In this sense, with this article, we intend to systematize the history of the Enneagram’s origins and its evolution until it became a global phenomenon, focusing on prominent historical figures. For this, a literature review that approaches the Enneagram from a historical point of view was carried out. Briefly, it was concluded that its true origin is unknown. According to some scholars, it is about 2,500 years old and was known by Pythagoras and other sages of antiquity; according to others, it was up to the Sufi tradition (Afghanistan) to preserve its knowledge use. But everyone says that this ancient wisdom was transmitted from master to disciple, orally, within the initiatory schools. From 1920, everything started to become more apparent when it arrived in the West (Europe) through the ideas and work of the Russian philosopher G.I. Gurdjieff. It remained in restricted groups until 1960, beginning to be effectively disseminated from the ‘70s onwards. Considering the current impact of this system, it is proposed that a broad research project be defined on each of the figures that stood out in the formulation and Enneagram disclosure.
História do Eneagrama Tradição oral Figuras do Eneagrama Autoconhecimento Globalização History of the Enneagram Oral tradition Enneagram figures Self-knowledge Globalization
ANEIS - Associação Nacional para o Estudo e Intervenção na Sobredotação