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O desenvolvimento das tecnologias sociais caracterĆsticas da Web e dos media sociais da atualidade tem promovido uma ācultura participatĆ³riaā marcada por uma grande multiplicidade de processos e contextos. A facilidade de personalizar os espaƧos nos quais as pessoas comunicam e interagem entre si e com a informaĆ§Ć£o, tem transformado profundamente o uso das tecnologias, o relacionamento interpessoal, e o relacionamento com a informaĆ§Ć£o e com o conhecimento. Este estudo pretende analisar como um conjunto de indivĆduos ligados ao meio acadĆ©mico, universitĆ”rio e nĆ£o universitĆ”rio, com uma reconhecida presenƧa na web social, utiliza estes media, quer no plano pessoal quer profissional. Simultaneamente, visa dar conta das conceƧƵes pessoais e princĆpios filosĆ³ficos subjacentes a estes processos de presenƧa na rede, bem como sobre as prĆ”ticas que deles decorrem, e das implicaƧƵes que se projetam na prĆ³pria cultura acadĆ©mica. Partimos de um quadro teĆ³rico alicerƧado em diversos autores que abordam questƵes da cultura de participaĆ§Ć£o na rede, designadamente Henry Jenkins, Clay Shirky, Howard Rheingold, que, entre outros, convocam a alteraĆ§Ć£o do papel passivo dos sujeitos para um papel de envolvimento ativo na produĆ§Ć£o de conteĆŗdos e disseminaĆ§Ć£o de ideias e informaƧƵes na web. A nĆvel metodolĆ³gico o estudo enquadra-se no paradigma qualitativo tendo recorrido Ć realizaĆ§Ć£o de entrevistas aprofundadas como instrumento de recolha de dados. AdotĆ”mos o mĆ©todo de AnĆ”lise TemĆ”tica de Braun e Clarke para o tratamento dos dados. Os resultados estruturam-se ao redor de 3 grandes temas, A- EducaĆ§Ć£o e Tecnologia, B- Identidade Digital e C- Partilha da InformaĆ§Ć£o e do Conhecimento. No tema A, os participantes evidenciaram uma perceĆ§Ć£o da tecnologia e do seu uso sempre ligada Ć forma como percecionam a cultura e o papel social da educaĆ§Ć£o em geral. Verificam-se tambĆ©m diferentes posicionamentos face Ć s filosofias subjacentes ao modo como se posicionam em relaĆ§Ć£o Ć s tecnologias variando num contĆnuo entre uma visĆ£o mais instrumental e uma visĆ£o mais ecossistĆ©mica/transformadora. No Tema B, ressalta a consciĆŖncia da necessidade de construir uma presenƧa na rede que cada vez mais Ć© feita na confluĆŖncia entre os mundos off e online. A dimensĆ£o profissional e pessoal da identidade digital emergiu de forma diferenciada. Alguns sujeitos separam claramente estas dimensƵes enquanto para outros, essa separaĆ§Ć£o Ć© muito mais fluĆda. Frente ao Tema C, verifica-se que a partilha, circulaĆ§Ć£o do conhecimento e da informaĆ§Ć£o na sociedade em rede constitui um aspeto a que todos os investigadores/professores deram substantiva importĆ¢ncia, destacando-se dentro deste tema questƵes como: o valor que a partilha acrescenta, a relevĆ¢ncia da partilha de conteĆŗdos de natureza informal, participantes consumidores versus difusores, motivaƧƵes para a partilha e rede de contactos. Este estudo veio contribuir, entre outros aspetos, com exemplos de configuraƧƵes interessantes de prĆ”ticas de participaĆ§Ć£o e de partilha por parte de um conjunto de sujeitos que, agregando a sua pertenƧa ao mundo acadĆ©mico com uma elevada integraĆ§Ć£o no mundo da web social, nos podem iluminar face a novos e ainda pouco explorados caminhos da sociedade em rede e da cibercultura.
The development of social web technologies and the characteristics of today's Social Media has promoted a "participatory culture" marked by a great variety of processes and contexts. The facility to customize spaces in which people communicate and interact with each other and with the information, has profoundly changed the use of technology, interpersonal relationships, and the relationship with information and knowledge. This study aims to analyze how a group of individuals linked to the academic, university and non-university environments, with a recognized social web presence, uses these media, both personally and professionally. Simultaneously it aims to understand the personal conceptions and philosophical principles underlying these processes of presence in the network, as well as the practices that result from them, and the implications that are projected in the academic culture itself. We start from a theoretical framework based on several authors that address issues of the culture of participation in the network, namely Henry Jenkins, Clay Shirky, Howard Rheingold, who, among others, call for change in the passive role of the subjects for a role of active involvement in production content and dissemination of ideas and information on the web. The methodology used relates to qualitative which has led to in-depth interviews as a data collection instrument. We adopted the Braun and Clarke Thematic Analysis method for data analysis. The results are structured around 3 major themes, A- Education and Technology, B- Digital Identity and C- Information and Knowledge Sharing. In theme A, the participants evidenced a perception of technology and its use, always related to the way they perceive the culture and social role of education in general. There are also different approaches to the underlying philosophies, how they stand in relation to technologies ranging from a continuum between a more instrumental vision and a more ecosystemic / transformative one. Theme B highlights the understanding of the necessity to build a presence in the network which is increasingly attained at the confluence between the worlds off and online. Digital identity, professional and personal dimensions, have emerged on differentiated ways. Some subjects clearly separate these dimensions while, for others, this separation is much more fluid. Theme C, clarifies that, sharing and knowledge and information flow in the network society, is an aspect to which all researchers / teachers gave a substantial importance, highlighting, in this theme, issues such as: sharing increases value, the relevance of informal content sharing, consumer versus diffuser participants, sharing motivations and network contacts. This study contributed, among other aspects, with interesting configurations of participation practices and sharing examples by a group of subjects that, summing their belonging to the academic world with a high integration in the social web world, can help us to face new and still little explored ways of the network society and of the cyberculture.
The development of social web technologies and the characteristics of today's Social Media has promoted a "participatory culture" marked by a great variety of processes and contexts. The facility to customize spaces in which people communicate and interact with each other and with the information, has profoundly changed the use of technology, interpersonal relationships, and the relationship with information and knowledge. This study aims to analyze how a group of individuals linked to the academic, university and non-university environments, with a recognized social web presence, uses these media, both personally and professionally. Simultaneously it aims to understand the personal conceptions and philosophical principles underlying these processes of presence in the network, as well as the practices that result from them, and the implications that are projected in the academic culture itself. We start from a theoretical framework based on several authors that address issues of the culture of participation in the network, namely Henry Jenkins, Clay Shirky, Howard Rheingold, who, among others, call for change in the passive role of the subjects for a role of active involvement in production content and dissemination of ideas and information on the web. The methodology used relates to qualitative which has led to in-depth interviews as a data collection instrument. We adopted the Braun and Clarke Thematic Analysis method for data analysis. The results are structured around 3 major themes, A- Education and Technology, B- Digital Identity and C- Information and Knowledge Sharing. In theme A, the participants evidenced a perception of technology and its use, always related to the way they perceive the culture and social role of education in general. There are also different approaches to the underlying philosophies, how they stand in relation to technologies ranging from a continuum between a more instrumental vision and a more ecosystemic / transformative one. Theme B highlights the understanding of the necessity to build a presence in the network which is increasingly attained at the confluence between the worlds off and online. Digital identity, professional and personal dimensions, have emerged on differentiated ways. Some subjects clearly separate these dimensions while, for others, this separation is much more fluid. Theme C, clarifies that, sharing and knowledge and information flow in the network society, is an aspect to which all researchers / teachers gave a substantial importance, highlighting, in this theme, issues such as: sharing increases value, the relevance of informal content sharing, consumer versus diffuser participants, sharing motivations and network contacts. This study contributed, among other aspects, with interesting configurations of participation practices and sharing examples by a group of subjects that, summing their belonging to the academic world with a high integration in the social web world, can help us to face new and still little explored ways of the network society and of the cyberculture.
Cultura participatĆ³ria Sociedade em rede EducaĆ§Ć£o e tecnologia Identidade digital Comunidades virtuais Web social ParticipaĆ§Ć£o Partilha Conhecimento Participatory culture Education and technology Digital identity Knowledge sharing Social web Online presence Participation
Paiva, Ana Maria Videira - ParticipaĆ§Ć£o e partilha de conhecimentos na sociedade em rede [Em linha]: os contextos educacionais online. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2018. 204 p.