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Introdução – Os jogos digitais são disponibilizados, com grande potencial, para realizar
transformações na comunicação educacional, em contextos formais ou informais, presenciais ou a
distância. Objetivo – Analisar a produção de artigos sobre jogos digitais em revistas científicas,
selecionadas dentre as classificadas no arquivo da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de
Nível Superior (CAPES), fundação do Ministério da Educação do Brasil, a fim de verificar como
apresentam e compreendem os games na educação brasileira. Metodologia – Revisão sistemática
da literatura, ancorada na análise documental e orientada pela metodologia mista, a qual integra
os enfoques qualitativo e quantitativo em um só estudo. A análise de conteúdo foi realizada com o
suporte do Iramuteq, programa estatístico de análise lexical, empregado para organização dos
dados. Para a composição do corpus de análise foram selecionados, por intermédio de busca no
portal de periódicos da CAPES, artigos em língua portuguesa, revisados por pares, que abordam os
jogos digitais, na área da educação. Resultados – Foram identificados quarenta e nove artigos,
publicados entre 2007 e 2018. Com o apoio do Iramuteq, constatou-se a existência de seis mundos
lexicais, divididos em dois grupos: o primeiro, de viés mais teórico, considera o caráter social e o
possível desenvolvimento intelectual decorrente da prática dos games; o segundo, de natureza
mais prática, concebe os jogos digitais como uma ferramenta de ensino e aprendizagem, inseridos
em um sistema escolar. Conclusões – Ao distinguir-se as tendências das pesquisas sobre o tema,
observou-se que, dentre os artigos com foco na educação profissional, educação física, cultura e
educação básica houve um equilíbrio entre estudos práticos e teóricos. Por outro lado, nos artigos
que abordaram a interatividade, educação curricular, matemática, sala de aula e o papel do
professor, o caráter prático predominou. A predominância dos artigos de caráter empírico e sua
relação com as diversas modalidades da educação, revela o desejo e o entusiasmo, dentro do
contexto educacional brasileiro, de empregar os jogos digitais como ferramentas de ensino e
aprendizagem. Porém, os artigos apresentaram, tão somente, ações isoladas e incipientes. Outros
tópicos e o modo como se articulam, tais como as modalidades de educação envolvidas, as
dificuldades enfrentadas e os principais referenciais teóricos, também foram investigados. Em
suma, o mapeamento analítico, decorrente da revisão sistemática realizada, bem como o
dinamismo do tema, têm a capacidade de propiciar elementos que estimulem outras questões
sobre os jogos digitais na educação.
Introduction - Digital games are available with great potential to make changes in educational communication, in formal or informal contexts, in person or remote. Objective - To analyze the production of articles about digital games in scientific journals, selected from those classified in the files of CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel), a foundation of the Ministry of Education of Brazil, to verify how the articles present and understand the games in Brazilian education. Methodology - Systematic literature review, based in document analysis and guided by mixed methodology, which integrates the qualitative and quantitative approaches in just one study. Content analysis was carried out with the support of Iramuteq, a statistical lexical analysis program, used to organize the data. For the composition of the corpus of analysis, peerreviewed articles in Portuguese about digital games in education were selected by searching in the CAPES journals portal. Results - Forty-nine articles, published between 2007 and 2018, were identified. With the support of Iramuteq, six lexical worlds were found, divided into two groups: the first, with a more theoretical bias, considers the social character and the possible intellectual development resulting from the practice of games; the second, of a more practical nature, conceives digital games as a teaching and learning tool, integrated in a school system. Conclusions - When distinguishing researches trends on the topic, it was noticed that, among articles focusing on professional education, physical education, culture and basic education, there was a balance between practical and theoretical studies. On the other hand, in the articles that addressed interactivity, curricular education, mathematics, the classroom and the role of the teacher, the practical character prevailed. The predominance of articles of an empirical character and their relationship with the different types of education reveals the desire and enthusiasm, within the Brazilian educational context, to use digital games as teaching and learning tools. However, the articles presented only isolated and incipient actions. Other topics and the way they are articulated, such as the education modalities involved, the difficulties faced and the main theoretical references, were also investigated. In short, the analytical mapping, resulting from the systematic review carried out, as well as the dynamism of the theme, have the capacity to provide elements that stimulate other questions about digital games in education.
Introduction - Digital games are available with great potential to make changes in educational communication, in formal or informal contexts, in person or remote. Objective - To analyze the production of articles about digital games in scientific journals, selected from those classified in the files of CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel), a foundation of the Ministry of Education of Brazil, to verify how the articles present and understand the games in Brazilian education. Methodology - Systematic literature review, based in document analysis and guided by mixed methodology, which integrates the qualitative and quantitative approaches in just one study. Content analysis was carried out with the support of Iramuteq, a statistical lexical analysis program, used to organize the data. For the composition of the corpus of analysis, peerreviewed articles in Portuguese about digital games in education were selected by searching in the CAPES journals portal. Results - Forty-nine articles, published between 2007 and 2018, were identified. With the support of Iramuteq, six lexical worlds were found, divided into two groups: the first, with a more theoretical bias, considers the social character and the possible intellectual development resulting from the practice of games; the second, of a more practical nature, conceives digital games as a teaching and learning tool, integrated in a school system. Conclusions - When distinguishing researches trends on the topic, it was noticed that, among articles focusing on professional education, physical education, culture and basic education, there was a balance between practical and theoretical studies. On the other hand, in the articles that addressed interactivity, curricular education, mathematics, the classroom and the role of the teacher, the practical character prevailed. The predominance of articles of an empirical character and their relationship with the different types of education reveals the desire and enthusiasm, within the Brazilian educational context, to use digital games as teaching and learning tools. However, the articles presented only isolated and incipient actions. Other topics and the way they are articulated, such as the education modalities involved, the difficulties faced and the main theoretical references, were also investigated. In short, the analytical mapping, resulting from the systematic review carried out, as well as the dynamism of the theme, have the capacity to provide elements that stimulate other questions about digital games in education.
Jogos digitais Educação Revisão sistemática de literatura Iramuteq Artigo científico Análise Brasil Digital games Brazilian education Systematic literature review
Azevedo, Luiz Claudio Peixoto de - Os jogos digitais na educação brasileira [Em linha]: uma análise de artigos científicos. [S.l.], [s.n.], 2020. 316 p.