Research Project
Desafios da avaliação digital no ensino superior
Publication . Pereira, Alda; Oliveira, Isolina; Tinoca, Luís; Pinto, Maria do Carmo Teixeira; Amante, Lúcia
A obra que aqui se apresenta consubstancia uma parte da investigação desenvolvida no âmbito do projeto “Avaliação e eLearning no Ensino Superior “(@ssess.he), financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT). Este projeto desenvolveu-se entre 2011 e 2013, e teve como foco a investigação em torno da avaliação digital no Ensino Superior. O projeto visou estudar as estratégias de avaliação digital, adequadas e válidas aos ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem no Ensino Superior, contribuindo para a clarificação de processos e visando a definição de indicadores que garantam a sua autenticidade e validade na avaliação de competências em contextos de elearning.
How can we use ICT to assess competences in higher education: the case of authenticity
Publication . Pereira, Alda; Oliveira, Isolina; Amante, Lúcia; Pinto, Maria do Carmo Teixeira
The assessment of competences requires an approach where knowledge, abilities and attitudes are
integrated, naturally implying the resource to a variety of assessment strategies. Within this context we
have seen the emergence of what has been called by several authors the Assessment Culture.
Necessarily, it should make use of a variety of different assessment strategies and tools, so as to
better assess performance in authentic activities that should be as similar as possible to the contexts
in which the competences will be implemented.
This new learning landscape has promoted the implementation of new alternative assessment
strategies aligned with the most recent paradigms of assessment design [1]. These alternative
assessment strategies are characterized by an integration of assessment into the learning process, a
high level of student participation, the development of tasks leading to the production of artifacts, and
contextualization in real world applications [2].
Moreover , with the development of new ICT and the emergence of web 2.0, teaching and learning
resource ever more to new technological enabled content production and distribution media, as well
as computer mediated communication.
In this landscape, the use of ICT to assess competences is a new challenge for the formal higher
education. To clarify these issues, it’s fundamental to be more precise when we talk about assessing
competences using ICT. For this reason, it is important to define a concept of e-assessment that
includes tasks specifically designed for competence assessment with the support of digital
technologies. In this way, we propose the concept of alternative digital assessment strategy that refers
to all technology-enabled assessment tasks where the design, performance, and feedback must be
mediated by technologies. Moreover, in order to assure quality assessment in Higher Education, we
developed a theoretical framework supported by four dimensions – authenticity, consistency,
transparency and practicability – each composed by a set of parameters, aimed at promoting the
quality of the assessment strategies being used [3].
In this paper, we discuss in detail the criteria of authenticity, one of those dimensions, and we present
four examples of alternative authentic assessment strategies, embedded in instructional design, used
by different teachers in different academic contexts of Portuguese universities.
Organizational Units
Funding agency
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Funding programme
Funding Award Number